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  1. rolangunslinger

    Another try at posting tank pics.

    Very nice pics, please keep 'em coming. Kevin
  2. rolangunslinger

    Trade a cpr bak pak skimmer for a sump skimmer

    Hello, I dont have any skimmer at this point but if you decide to just sell yours outright I might be interested., being skimerless as it were. Let me know. Kevin
  3. rolangunslinger

    OT: New Car!

    Hey, very nice pony. I am a Chevy man myself but I can appreciate a nice ride when I see one. Have fun and keep safe. Kevin
  4. rolangunslinger

    Big Scare last night!!!

    I also watched the game and I wondered how much George S paid for them to leave Pedro in for the 8th. Must have a deal with the devil. Anyway, glad to hear that you could salvage most of your stock. Sorry for the outage. Kevin
  5. rolangunslinger

    Question for j21kickster??

    Hey Cliff, What part of NC are you in? There are a few frag/SW/trade groups around here (central NC) Guilford,Randolph,Orange counties. Drop me an email and I will give you a few contacts. My email is: Rolangunslinger(diespammers) of course remove the (diespammers) first. Kevin
  6. rolangunslinger

    Bryopsis Algae

    After reading most of his posts, God only knows why I feel compelled to post here and (gasp) uphold what Beaslbob has posted. BUT!! It does make sense that if you have a problem with a certain algae...bryopsis? whatever. If you put the same problem algae in the fuge, which has a greater water...
  7. rolangunslinger

    cleaner fish/algae eater take 2

    I agree with Buzz, As long as you have the puffer, I think any cleaner crew of snails or inverts you put in will become an all he can eat buffet. Maybe you could set up a fuge with some macro algae and starve the tank algae out. If I am wrong, someone please correct me. (still learning) Kevin
  8. rolangunslinger

    unkown cause of death to clown goby

    Hello Reese, Sorry to hear about your losses but I am glad to see that you are disturbed about them. Too often in this hobby you hear people say that they don't mind losing a fish or two because they were cheap. Seems like you really care about your fish and are hurt by the losses, and are...
  9. rolangunslinger

    Who is going to eat all my fish poop?

    Muttly, from the Laffalympics. Loved that cartoon as a kid, especially that wheezy laugh. thanks for the memory lane trip Kevin
  10. rolangunslinger


    Wouldn't a carbon filter remove the copper from the tank if it runs for a week or so? I am not sure, but I have wondered about this myself. Kevin
  11. rolangunslinger

    Eye Candy Request...

    Hello all, Ryebread and Tyr-Sog, Do you mind if I borrow a couple of your pics for wallpapers? TIA Kevin
  12. rolangunslinger

    new to this hobby

    Hello Mike, Welcome to the boards, You have come to the right place for information. These guys and gals on here can answer almost any question you may have. I would say that you need to get a good test kit first and do some tests. make sure all your parameters, i.e. ammonia, nitrites...
  13. rolangunslinger

    ?? about my first fish

    WOW, sounds like you have the patience of a kindergarten teacher. I think you will be very successful in this hobby if you take that kind of care with everything. Good Luck and keep us posted on what happens. Kevin
  14. rolangunslinger


    How many years does it take to become the moderator known as "TIM"
  15. rolangunslinger


    My thoughts exactly Aarone, Why would anyone get into this hobby unless they felt a real connection with the fish and animals in the tank. To say they would buy one and if it died they wouldn't worry about it just because of the small price. I think they should break the tank down and use it for...
  16. rolangunslinger

    New Tank Owner

    Hello BeDe, Welcome to the boards and SW, Here you will find a wealth of information on just about any topic you may have questions about. I would also recommend you go to the library or the bookstore and get a couple of books on the subject as well. I also would say return the fish and get the...
  17. rolangunslinger

    New to the HobbY & have A few questions

    Hello LsV, Welcome to the boards, congrats on getting the free tank. WOW I wish you the best of luck in this hobby and I have to say you have come to the right place for info. I have learned more in these message boards in the last month than I have through 6 months of reading. One thing, I am...
  18. rolangunslinger

    tank pics

    good looking tank blondie, love that blood shrimp and the purple coralline looks great.. I agree with love, I also like to look at pictures regardless of where they are posted. Keep up the good work and congrats. Kevin
  19. rolangunslinger

    I need some help!

    I would check around your town and see if there is a aquarist club or something like that. You might be able to go in with someone and order your LR and LS from or where ever. If not maybe you can fill your tank with base sand and rock and find a local hobbyist to sell you a small piece...
  20. rolangunslinger

    55g lighting upgrade

    Hello Oregonbud, I have a 55 long tank and am looking to upgrade my lighting from the standard NO florescent. I saw that you were considering going to MH lighting and I would be interested in buying your 4x65 PC system if the price were right. Let me know if you are going to buy the more...