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  1. lochi

    A Lighting Question

    I don't think that will be enough light for even low light corals. a 90 gallon tank is pretty deep and regular NO (normal output ) flourescent lights are not intense enought to get light to the bottom of the tank. Maybe mushroom, if you put them high in the water column. If it going to be...
  2. lochi

    A Lighting Question

    It will filter out some light. AS to whether or not its' detrimental depends on how much light you have to begin with and what you have in your tank. WHo's your LFS
  3. lochi

    DOes anybody have an AGA /w corner overflow

    I finished the plumbing today on the new 75 today. The tank is an AGA with the dual corner overflow/return. The overflow makes a lot of gurgling noise. I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with this and any Ideas how to mute the noise a bit.
  4. lochi

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    Do not move a 75 up a split level flight of stairs by yourself.
  5. lochi

    Info on rabbitfish

    LFS has one like what Bang Guy just had named. He wants$26. Its a pretty cool fish.
  6. lochi

    Info on rabbitfish

    The books I have are pretty sparse on info for these species. All I know is that they hve a toxic spine. Just need to know what they require (habitat and food). Thanks
  7. lochi

    Last Day 4-pack

    pic 4. I'm going to be draining the water in about 20 min. By the end of the day the new 75 should be up and running.
  8. lochi

    Last Day 4-pack

    pic 3
  9. lochi

    Last Day 4-pack

    pic 2
  10. lochi

    Last Day 4-pack

    PIc 1
  11. lochi

    Movin on up

    I'm going from a 29 to a 75 tomorrow. I have a b unch of saltwater mixed in the basement an three 22 gal tupperware containers ($4 at walmart) to use as holding tanks while I move the 75 to the spot where the 29 is. Assuming that I won't see a cycle but you know what they say about assumptions.
  12. lochi

    WHat is this?

    it's cone shaped and its been in there with zooanthids. I havn't noticed any of them getting mowed down some I'm going with limpet. Thanks
  13. lochi

    WHat is this?

    Just noticed this thing.
  14. lochi


    I think Its a SInularia sp. atleast that's how it was sold to me. but not quite sure.
  15. lochi

    Hiding purchase from spouse?

    I'm not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing but the fiance pays enough attention to the tank that she knows when I add corals or even LR without me saying a word.
  16. lochi

    Who is on SWF when you should be working?

    Stupid work. Always taking up valuable posting/reading time
  17. lochi

    Away we go...

  18. lochi

    Away we go...

    I bought my new 75 yesterday. I'm so psyched. But my question is this: I bought an AGA tank with the predrilled corner over flow. Its drilled for the inlet and outlet to come out of the bottom of the tank in the same corner. I'm thinking about plugging one of the holes and moving the...
  19. lochi

    First Pics Of My Tank

    I 've got a 29gal and started with a crushed coral substrate. I then bought a sand sifting goby and found out that CC is bad for sand sifting fish. Being as bright as I am I said" I'll just dump 10lbs of LS ontop of the CC and bury it". Well now I have a base of sand with a layer of crushed...
  20. lochi

    Seperating zooanthids?

    Seperation is the plan. I didn't know how quik those things multiplied when I bought it. They're all going to get their own rock.