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  1. lochi

    ATTML question 4 ya

    Golden headed sleeper goby is pretty close behavior wise. I had one for a while it was difficult to keep feed he wouldn't take any food so he got pretty skinny. But you have a bigger tank so maybe you'd have better luck. They turn your substrate over quite a bit. I bought a diamond...
  2. lochi

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    I bought test kits for Ca and alk today. Ca was off the chart low. I'm guessing about 360 ppm. Alk was was about 180. If I'm right CA should be much higher How do I get it there.
  3. lochi

    post anemone and clownfish pics

    Maroon at home
  4. lochi

    Refugium sizing

    I was thinkink about making the space to fit the fuge if ya know what i mean. I want to add some volume to the system
  5. lochi

    Refugium sizing

    I have a 29 gal tank and am giving serious consideration to a refugium. My biggest question right now is sizing. Is there such a thing as too big or is there a % of tank size that is advised. I have similar questions about a sump. I want to try to get as much junk out of my display as...
  6. lochi

    Caulerpa Questions

    Sorry to inject another question in this thread. NM, what you've stated as benefits for caulerpa are pretty significant. If you dont have a fuge do you think its worth keeping some in the display tank.
  7. lochi

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    Thanks. Checked my pH when I got home from work it was about 8.1. Is this phenomenon common knowledge?
  8. lochi

    New At The Hobby

    A maroon clown and anemone were the first occupants of my tank. I gotta say, try to get the clown to host a coral. I wish I had done more research about anemones. I have two anemones. They have been a big disappointment, by no fault of their own. I give em pretty good light and feed em by...
  9. lochi

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    I guess it suprises me that that much acid is formed. or maybe its not that much if I remeber right pH is a logarithmic curve. Anyway here is a pic. Please excuse the hideous backing. When I first setup the tank I didn't know you could paint the back. I'll post another pic in a couple weeks...
  10. lochi

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    Why is carbonic acid formed when the lights go out? Do photosynthetic critters use or nuetralize the acid during the day?
  11. lochi

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    Just curiousity, but what makes pH drop over night?
  12. lochi

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    The tank has been running a little over 6 months. I haven't tested for Ca-dkH. is there a reliable test kit I can buy? 95% of the time I test the water in the AM before I go to work. I'll try it again when I get home tonight. I have caulerpa sp. growing in the tank, initially it was...
  13. lochi

    pH low, WHat do I do?

    I haven't been as diligent about tank monitoring as I should have been. Consequently pH has gotten away from me a bit. and NO3 seems to be on the rise everything I test: NH3-0ppm NO2-.2ppm NO3-10-20ppm pH-7.8 Salinity-1.023 Temp-81 I have fish, corals, and lr/ls and i need to know whats the...
  14. lochi

    New tank?

    Should I then add lr slowly or can I add 30 or 40 lbs at a clip? I thinkI only have about 35-40 lbs in the 29g and will certainly need more in the larger tank. Thanks
  15. lochi

    New tank?

    I have to move my tank (29g w/inverts and fish) in the next couple weeks. I'm thinking it might be the appropriate time to make the jump to a bigger tank, either a 75 or a 90. I'm wondering about cycling time if I use most of the stuff from my present tank. I'm pretty sure I can't just move...
  16. lochi

    Clownfish compatibility

    Waterfaller, Unfortunately I did reasearch AFTER I got the mandarin(live and learn). He was starting to look pretty skinny so I started trying different foods. He started to eat blood worms and is looking healthier. The coral beauty is constantly grazing but he also gets supplemental feeding...
  17. lochi

    Clownfish compatibility

    I have a 29g with a maroon clown(w/anemones), a coral beauty, a madarin, and a sleeper goby. At first i really wanted to put a second or third pygmy angel in, but you'd be suprised how quik the tank fills up. The clown defends the anemones but isn't aggressive about any other areas in the...
  18. lochi

    Moving a tank

    I'm relatively new to reef tanks, so i've got all kinds of questions. But the most pressing is about moving a tank. In the course of a weekend I have to move my tank and it's inhabitants to a new house. I have know idea what the best plan of attack is