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  1. lochi

    Seperating zooanthids?

    Thanks for the help
  2. lochi

    Seperating zooanthids?

    About 3 months ago I bought a rock from the lFS with several zoos of different species on it. When i bought it there were only a few of each but now the yellows are crowding the others and preventing them from opening. I want to try and seperate and reattach the species on different rocks The...
  3. lochi


    I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to get for lights for the new tank. I getting a 75. I've been looking around and I'm a little suprised at what lighting costs. I was thinking about a DIY set up consisting of 2 X175w MH and and 2 X 55w PC 50/50's OR a 4X65w PC setup. $ is a factor...
  4. lochi

    Build your own compact light

    I had an eclipse setup on my 29gal. I managed to stick two 55w PC bulbs in the underside of the hood. The bulbs I bought came with mounting brackets. I took out 1 of the original eclipse bulbs and screwed the brackets into the plastice that was behind the original bulb. The second light I...
  5. lochi

    Horrible News

    I don't know if your going to school in CT, but if so there are laws against charging anymore than the equivalent of 2 months rent upfront. If you paid first and last or first and a security deposit equal to 1 month you don't have to pay any more. I only mention this cuz my father is a real...
  6. lochi

    What do you think?....

    Looks plenty natural. I've tried to make arches in my tank but I can never get it stable enough.
  7. lochi

    Sick Goby?

    He's been in the tank for 3 months but I kept an I on it at the lfs for a few weeks before that. I have a mix of live sand and crushed coral. I started with CC and tried to bury it with live sand. It didn't work so well and now its mixed. I know crushed coral isn't all that healthy for...
  8. lochi

    How much LR for 29 gal?

    I have about 35# in my 29
  9. lochi

    Sick Goby?

    I've enclosed a pic of what appears to be some sort of sore in his nasal area. Not sure if its some kind of infection or if my Maroon clown took a swing at him. Treatment one way or the other? Help!
  10. lochi


    You got that right. I grew up in CT and Lived just outside Boston for 2 years before I moved up here. Talk about culture shock.
  11. lochi


    Wtaerville is nowhere near the boondocks my friend. There is one shop off route 201 in Fairfield. I haven't been there yet. I tried to check it out once but they keep really odd summer hours. If you get in there let me know Its called Aquacorals. I can email you there website if you want.
  12. lochi


    What town does she live in. I've only lived here for about a year but there are a few shops I've found within 1 hr of Bangor.
  13. lochi

    Got the go ahead.

    In which case maybe I should get the tank before she gets the wedding cake;)
  14. lochi


    Obsession. I think my fiance thinks I'm some sort of space cadet. I can't seem to walk by my tank without watching it for a couple minutes. Some time i'll pull out the guitar and just strum and stare at the tank for an hour. SW is a somewhat noble addiction. Who can fault anything that...
  15. lochi

    Got the go ahead.

    I got the go ahead to move to a bigger tank. I have to wait until after the wedding so in the middle of sept. I'll be getting a 75. I was able to convice the wife-to-be that it was in the best interest of the fish to have a bigger tank. The scary part is she knows what the hobby costs and she...
  16. lochi

    Coral Beauty

    I have a CB in a 29 gal. His tank mates are very close to what you have listed. He is healthy and has been for 7 months. IMO they need more room to run. Mine uses every inch of the 29 gal. It ended up being a balancing act between the quantity of live rock and room for swimming. I'm getting...
  17. lochi

    Overflow box?

    When you say 2-3 turns per hour do you mean fuge volume or system volume.
  18. lochi

    Overflow box?

    Broomer, You mention that the flow through a fuge from a combo sump/fuge is generally to high. What rate of water tunover makes the fuge ineffective.
  19. lochi

    Overflow box?

    I'm developing my unerstanding of water flow in/out of a fuge/sump. In a system without an overflow drilled into the glass of the tank how do you get the water from the tank to the fuge without a pump. I seen the terms "external overflow" and overflow box" used but I can't seem to figure out...
  20. lochi

    OT: They're coming home!!!

    Glad your family is home safe. There is absolutlely nothing better than seeing your family home. Watching them get off the plane after bieng in harms way for months at a time is awsome. Congrats. And thanks to you and them for what you have to deal with and what they do. Kyle