Search results

  1. brettmc

    T5 Lighting...

    I'm looking into a new light set up. Right now I just have 65w CF over my tank and I'm looking for something a little bit better. I was just going to look for a set up with more CF's, but then someone on another board mentioned T5's and so I started looking into those. Does anyone have...
  2. brettmc

    Can my system handle SPS????

    Well the reason why I thought of trying it now was because I just fragged out my leather and my toadstool down to just a stalk and one nub of the colt. I was looking to trade them and I thought of maybe trading for an SPS to see if it would work.
  3. brettmc

    Can my system handle SPS????

    Unfortunately I'm a lackey and don't check my levels very often at all, maybe once in the past 2-3 months. The last time I checked they were O amm., O nitrate, O nitrite, and Ca was at like 340 or so. I do change 5g once a week for sure and most of the time twice a week. Yes my skimmer does...
  4. brettmc

    Can my system handle SPS????

    I've got a 30g 175w MH, 2x24w CF, SeaClone 150 skimmer, Rena XP1 canister filter Livestock: 2 saddleback clowns, green brittle star, blue legged hermits, turbo and nass. snails, colt leather, toadstool leather, green polyps, assorted zoo's, bubble coral, and xenia I've had this set up for a few...
  5. brettmc

    clean up crew additions....

    Well I think that I've had some of my clean up crew die off and I'm in need of some additions. Right now I have some blue legged hermits, nass. snails? (they bury themselves and have a long trunk thing), and a few bumblebee snails. I think i'm going to add some more hermits, and was wondering...
  6. brettmc

    Cycling, Lights, & Live Rock

    Ditto, you can turn on your lights if you wanna see what it will look like, but its not really necessary.
  7. brettmc

    ID please and some other pics

    The landscaping looks GREAT, many places for fish to swim through. You will also get some good flow through them. The only thing that I would fix would be either black out or blue out the back of the tank so you don't see the wall, tubes, etc. Other than that it looks awesome, good job.
  8. brettmc

    rubbermaid tub drain....

    I just got my RO/DI system set up. I am wanting to have my fresh water tub setting up higher than my salt tub so that I can just put a drain in the fresh tub to drain into the salt water tub. When I went to home depot the plumbing guy said that this wasn't very easy to do since the wall is...
  9. brettmc

    tiny blue zoa's.....

    Thanks, yea the toadstool's getting a little out of hand for a 30g, but my two clowns like to play in it
  10. brettmc

    tiny blue zoa's.....

    My latest addition as of yesterday, and a full tank shot for the fun of it.
  11. brettmc

    RO system questions.....

    Ok i'm getting tired of making trips down to the LFS for jugs of H20. So i'm starting to think about purchasing my own RO/DI system. Can anyone tell me what all this will involve? What are the pros/cons? What kind of maintenance would be required? How much money are we talking here? I'll...
  12. brettmc

    Looking for any help that can be given...

    Well, i'm starting to look into the future at a newer bigger tank. I'm thinking about a 90 - 150g. Thats about as far as I have gotten. I want to use a sump for this, but I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how big of one, or what all it will need to do. So what all holes would have to be drilled...
  13. brettmc

    frogspawn question....

    Well, I left my house a couple of days ago, came back today and one of my frogspawn heads pulled off of the rock it was on and now its laying about 2 - 3 inches behind all 3 stalks and is looking all shriveled up, the stalk it was on has most of the skeleton exposed now, but still has part of...
  14. brettmc

    New fish ideas?

    I have a 30g cube with several corals (frogspawn, xenia, finger leather, open brain, bubble coral, toadstool, and several green polyps), a green brittle star, and an allen's damsel. Anyway, I'm looking for some new fish only question is, i'm not sure what to go with, or have any idea what would...
  15. brettmc

    carbon filters...

    Anyone here make their own carbon filter pad things using just a nylon bag full of carbon? The reason I ask is because I have a rena canister filter and I just wondered if I can make my own filter bags using some of those nylon bags and filling them with activated carbon.
  16. brettmc

    Stupid BTA....

    I have a 175w MH in a 30g cube. For clowns i have two ocellaris which I'm pretty sure are both tank bred, so do you think they will host in there?
  17. brettmc

    Stupid BTA....

    I just bought a BTA 2 days ago, and put him in my tank when it was dark. I wake up the next morning and I couldn't find him for the life of me. Finally, I found it back behind a rock in the shade. My question is, should I move it back to where I can at least see it without using a flashlight...
  18. brettmc

    Clam placement question....

    30 gallon cube, thanks for the compliment.
  19. brettmc

    Clam placement question....

    I just moved him there yesterday so he hasn't attached yet if he's going to. Oh yea i'm using a 175w MH, along with 2 24w PC's so my lighting is adequate I think.
  20. brettmc

    Clam placement question....

    I just moved my crocea clam up onto a rock, and now he's leaning over, is he ok like this or do I need to find a new place for him on a different rock? Sorry the pic is kinda fuzzy. Also I'd like any input that anyone could give me on my set up so far since this is my first. Thanks.