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  1. goldflake

    What do you do for a living???

    Literally everyone in the family is in the healthcare business, including me.
  2. goldflake


    We have two of them. Not a big deal really. They get you where you need to go just like any other car. They just cost more to buy and operate and the insurance is sky high. Save your money.
  3. goldflake

    splitting anemone

    Mine splits about twice a year. I started with one BTA which I added after my system was well, well established and now have 6. I give them away when possible since I don't want my reef over-run with them.
  4. goldflake


    I have a large system, but only feed it to the reef tank. I use the frozen stuff. Just shave off a thin sliver every other day, turn off the power heads and add it to the tank. I also use Coral Heaven, which the corals seem to love the most. I also use DT's on occasion.
  5. goldflake

    what to do in power outtage

    I'm one of those folks! Wouldn't be without it!
  6. goldflake

    Damsel removal

    1) remove all your corals to a seperate holding bin filled with saltwater 2) remove all your liverock to another holding bin filled with saltwater 3) lower your water level in your now almost empty tank 4) using a bucket (NEVER a net) herd said fish into clear bucket using a brightly colored...
  7. goldflake

    Cant get mantis

    I hope you'll be able to keep the mantis in your fuge. I have several in mine and they are probably more interesting than any of the fish I have, and I have alot of fish (big system). They are not picky eaters and are easy keepers. What's the harm in keeping him in your fuge? Nothing else in...
  8. goldflake

    Cure LR with R/O or tap water?

    I can't imagine what will happen with tap water. Never tried it...never will.
  9. goldflake

    Cure LR with R/O or tap water?

    I don't use tap water for anything, EVER. Also, I usually pick up my liverock from local SWF store. It is awesome rock and I don't have re-cure it, so can't help you there.
  10. goldflake

    Power Out Need Help Fast!!!!!!!

    It is a Generac or something like that. Don't recall the wattage, but it is high. It's wired into the house and goes on automatically during a power outage.
  11. goldflake

    Power Out Need Help Fast!!!!!!!

    Get a generator for future power outages if practical for you. If not, there are some battery backup units that will work for a short time. The first time this happened to me it was around Christmas and I had lots of bubblewrap around. I wrapped the tank (only had 1 tank at the time. This...
  12. goldflake

    Cant get mantis

    Watch it for a while and see where it lives. It is much easier to remove the mantis if you already know which rock he is living in. Take said rock out of your aquarium after watching him go in it and take rock with hiding mantis to your LFS and trade it for another piece of liverock. The mantis...
  13. goldflake

    Picking My Fish

    What else is in your tank? How is your water? I think it would be wise to ensure you have excellent conditions first and then do tons of research on your choices and make a decision only after carefully studying the fish you are interested in. Make sure to take into account the adult size and...
  14. goldflake

    how warm is your water?

    Thanks to a big chiller and several heaters, my water stays at 80 degrees year round.
  15. goldflake

    Ro Unit....finally Have Enough To Buy One

    Kent makes nice units. I've never had a problem with mine. Just have to make certain to change the filters in all the canisters regularly and test your water periodically to ensure it is consistently excellent.
  16. goldflake

    Tap water filter.

    I would go for a RO/DI unit. Kent makes nice ones. They are relatively easy to install and worth the money. Get yourself a nice big reservoir rubbermaid tub for collecting the freshly made water.
  17. goldflake

    water changes

    I don't shut down my system to do a water change. I simply suck out the water using a Python in the bottom back corner of one tank (150 FOWLR) while refilling at an equal rate in my sump from my remote RO/DI reservoir. I have a several hundred gallon system and it is too much of a pain in the...