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  1. aburitojr

    fragging candy cane

    Im going to have to delete that internet site "as it is against site policy and is just plain rude" Although i am currently unaware to where it says its against site policy i will listen NM Reef. As for it being rude, i strongly agree. Dont you? I mean trying to help people...
  2. aburitojr

    Do You Need To Feed Bubble Coral???

    I found hand-feeding squid to bubble corals has given the best result. The sizes of the bubbles are naturaly different; unless yours are deflated during the day there is nothing to worry about.
  3. aburitojr

    My first fish question

    i would NOT reccommend it. In my opinion, putting a fish in a QT tank just adds stress.
  4. aburitojr

    fragging candy cane

    i posted the same question but on this site. Here is what they had to say... Links to other hobby related forums are not allowed!
  5. aburitojr

    shrimp vs. damsel... help

    neither lol. i prefer just adding live rock. When i did that for my 55 gallon, the tank amazingly enough cycled in a week.
  6. aburitojr

    Livestock for trade

    how much for the blasto?
  7. aburitojr

    Good Website

  8. aburitojr

    What kind of anenome?

    You should wait until you upgrade...All anemones (except the pests, aptasia) need high metal halide lighting. The lowest light requiring anemone is the bulb anemone, but you should still wait until you get halides before you get any anemone.
  9. aburitojr

    New Bulb Anenome

    jacknjill im gonna havta dissagree with you lol. check this site out. Stop posting these links they are not allowed on this site.
  10. aburitojr

    need help with anemone

    didnt mention this in the other post, but i think your anemone will do fine.
  11. aburitojr

    African Clown, hosting flower pot coral.

    i reccommend selling one of them, the flowerpot will most likely become stressed and die.
  12. aburitojr

    New Bulb Anenome

    i know lenard...i hate it when people sell things and give wrong information just to make $$$. For coral, i'd reccomend Aquariums Corals by Eric H. Borneman. The book contains lots of info and the author's email address. For information of clowns and anemones i'd recommend Clownfishes by...
  13. aburitojr

    What is this

    i dont know...the only thing that looks remotely like that is halimedia which is a type of macro algae. But halimedia is green so im stumped.
  14. aburitojr

    Camera help

    whenever i take a picture, i turn the flash off.
  15. aburitojr

    Good Website

    I have learned pretty much everything i know from Its a great website for the begginer to the advanced aquarist. The people there are very nice and will teach you a lot about saltwater aquariums. Edit:Links to other hobby related forums are not allowed!
  16. aburitojr

    need help with anemone

    dude u gotta research things before you buy them (this goes to everyone!!!) From what you said, the 75 gallon sounds good and would be perfect for the anemone. Feed the rose anemone squid 1-2 times a week. Anemones are not very hard as long as their needs are met so it should do really great...
  17. aburitojr

    Considering a mandarin but need some info?

    with a 46 gallon (even with a refugium) you would not have enough copepods to support a mandarin. I'd say the minimum for a mandarin is 100 gallons even if you have a refugium.
  18. aburitojr

    fish keep dieing

    plz call up ur fish store and ask them for your amonia and nitrite levels. How big is the tank?
  19. aburitojr

    hard algae, eaters

    emerald crabs-natural and very good hair algae eaters
  20. aburitojr

    Morish Idol

    salty chee, moorish idols are in my opinion, one of the most difficult to keep fish. I wouln't keep one in anything less than a 180 gallon.