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  1. gq


    If my 15 high had copper in it and i have removed all of the water from it will i be able to put my corals in the tank? Will the filter and heater still have cooper on it? I'm making my 55 into an agressive setup and my 15 high into a reef tank is this possible? Please reply
  2. gq


    But can i put my corals in the tank that i use to have the cooper in? And will they be ok? Becuase i Will put my clown in my 15 high because "GOLDIE" is my main Squezze we been together since day one you know? But can i transfer my corals as well?
  3. gq


    Do you think in a 55 gallon i would be able to have a porkypine pufr, a percula clown, and a Lion Fish in the same tank? And if not what fish with the percula and Porky can i get away with? Some help please? Oh one last question"If i had Copper in my 15 high and removed all of the water would i...
  4. gq

    Moving into a smaller tank!

    A question here! I was wondering if i would be able to get a percula clown, A lion fish, and a porckipine pufr, and an eel into a 55 that i am currently using for a reef tank. I wanted to know becauase i don't have very many corals if it would be possible for me to move all of my reef things to...
  5. gq


    I bought this Butterfly fish the (Semilarvatus) i put him in my 55reef tank w/ both hard and soft corals and i was on the site today and i saw that the info said that they were not reef safe when the guy at the store told me that they were and i thought i could trust him! I'll tell you...
  6. gq

    Know anyone, WHAT THE HE(double hockey sticks)

    nope no shrimp and checked the carpet already and they told me he didn't have a vac to surf with so no luck(I already checked the carpet)
  7. gq

    Know anyone, WHAT THE HE(double hockey sticks)

    OK, I was having a GREAT DAY Yesterday at work i mean i even felt like waking up and seeing the people i see everyday 5 out of the 7 days in a week.... I get home... go play ball with some buddies come back home, take a shower, order some pizza and watch the game. As i'm walking towards the...
  8. gq

    perfect tank

    Yes, My protein skimmer (Proclone) makes that much noise as well. I mean i have never had a problems with it but it does make a lot of noise!
  9. gq

    Sea Apple

    I bought one with purple tenticles it's also purple on the outside i do have a angelfish, percula and a royal gramma with a lot of corals and inverts. Based upon the things that i have heard about this creature i am going to get rid of it because i treasure my tank to much! I will say goodbye...
  10. gq

    Sea Apple

    Can Anyone give me some information about SEA APPLES? I just bought this beautiful sea apple from one of my lfs and they told me a little information about them but i would rather hear the info from the Pro's and the rest of the crew! So what can you tell me about these wonderful beautiful...
  11. gq

    tell me about your experience with flame angels

    I just bought a flame angel a month 1/2 ago i just put it in my display tank this past sunday. So far the fish hasn't bothered my corals or my other fish. It love to swim between rock work though so get lot's of that but so far eveything is OK! i WOULD SAY GO FOR IT
  12. gq

    You Heard?!

    does anyone know about the invisible fish?
  13. gq

    You Heard?!

    I was in one of my lfs and the sales rep told me about this one clear looking lion fish that i saw Have you heard or even seen this fish before?(it's more of a sitting fish instead of swimming) Also, are lionfish & Eels Reef safe and if so which would you recommend for a 55 gal tank & will he...
  14. gq

    Dwarf Flame Angel

    He is swimming fine, as well as eating! Nothing else seems to be wrong the lips maybe a little big but no much
  15. gq

    did I mess up?

    Mellisa, The thing about having a slt water tank is that it is very exciting and you want to get everything that you see in sight. A couple of things to worry aboutCrowding Ick Cycles AND RUSHING! Just make sure that you don't do it to soon i mean i have a 55g and my tank has been setup for 4...
  16. gq

    Dwarf Flame Angel

    I just resently bought a Flame Angel I have it in my 15high hosp tank. Currently right now it has white around the mouth is this normal. I believe that when i purchased the fish the mouth was red like the rest of the fish! Also like a DUMMY, i put the fish in the tank with a net instead of with...
  17. gq

    Corals Sleep?

    I just purchased 2 mushroom corals a watermelon and hairy. The hairy retract when the lighting is off Is this regular? (AND yes i did read the info procvided by I just want to make sure that the coral should go into a little roll on the ends of the coral when the light is off! If not...
  18. gq

    Corals and lighting

    Originally posted by GQ: <STRONG>I current have a 3 in 1 light a 10k, a blue actinic light and a regular light i use to keep the light on for 12-14 hours and i called my lfs and they told me to only keep it on for 8-10 hours.When i did that the algae stopped growing so much. The algae was brown...
  19. gq

    Corals and lighting

    I current have a 3 in 1 light a 10k, a blue actinic light and a regular light i use to keep the light on for 12-14 hours and i called my lfs and they told me to only keep it on for 8-10 hours.When i did that the algae stopped growing so much. The algae was brown and it continues to stay @ the...
  20. gq

    Brown Stuff

    I just bought a three in one light. The fixture consist of 1 blut light, 10k light and one more like a bright light. I forgot the names of each light, sorry! My problems is this: I am starting to get all of this brown alge