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  1. museumgirl

    Hitchhiker takeover?

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I'll treat it accordingly.
  2. museumgirl

    Hitchhiker takeover?

    Could aiptasia start REALLY TINY and go crazy in only a week?
  3. museumgirl

    Hitchhiker takeover?

    I've just noticed in the last week that I have these little creatures popping up all over the place. YIKES!!! I think they might be hydroids. They're TINY (that's why no pic) clear, are shaped like an anemone with a base and tentacles, are attached to rock, and have popped up all over. I...
  4. museumgirl

    Something laid eggs...who was it?

    They are bubbles.... we need a new powerhead to provide more flow. The bubbles are going away soon. Too much SALT CREEP!!!
  5. museumgirl

    Tizzo - montipora cap

    Thomas it is absolutly awesome!! Great Job!
  6. museumgirl

    What about this for fish?

    Thanks so much for the opinions guys... I'll definetly take them into consideration when We start to stock the tank. :joy:
  7. museumgirl

    Something laid eggs...who was it?

    Thanks!! I'll just let them be then and watch the show. ***)
  8. museumgirl

    Something laid eggs...who was it?

    "Can i ask a question- how is your mandarin doing? How many lbs. of LR do you have? How long have you had it? Can you give me some info on it?" I work at a museum and they had the mandarin before I started working here. We only have about 30 lbs of live rock in a 72 gal bow front. He seems to...
  9. museumgirl

    Something laid eggs...who was it?

    They laid another little string of them last night. Should I take them out??
  10. museumgirl

    Something laid eggs...who was it?

    Something laid eggs in our reef tank last night. It's a long string of tiny white eggs attached to the glass. I'm thinking it was probably a snail or something. Any ideas? in my tank: turbos nassarius blue leg and scarlet hermits 2 clarki clowns until last week (one died ) 1 blue damsel 2- 4...
  11. museumgirl

    What about this for fish?

    Thanks for the input. If yellow tangs tend to be a little more aggressive, what species of tangs are more docile?
  12. museumgirl

    What about this for fish?

    thanks... I think I might go with the purple chromis. They're really pretty. btw... what is CB- coral beauty??
  13. museumgirl

    What about this for fish?

    Anybody else??
  14. museumgirl

    What about this for fish?

    We're getting ready to switch a 125G FW tank over to a reef tank. It had been a SW tank at one point and it's a shame to waste it on FW. (IT HAS MH LIGHTING!!) ANYWAY- what do you guys think about the following for fish: 2- true perculas 1- coral beauty angel 2- lyretail Anthias 1- blue reef...
  15. museumgirl

    baby jelly?

    We've been keeping an eye out, but haven't seen any new baby jellies. It was the coolest little guy I've ever seen though.
  16. museumgirl

    baby jelly?

    I looked through the hitchiker thread and what we had didn't look like the hydroid jellyfish pictures. It was a little smaller than a smiley and it floated and moved around just like a regular jelly fish. It was tan and had short little tentacles around its bell. We hadn't gotten anything...
  17. museumgirl

    Finish my sentence

    a twelve car pile up in which a truck full of Elmer's glue was overturned spilling the glue all over...
  18. museumgirl

    can you put 2 different maroon clown together?

    Two maroons don't make a great pair... unfortunately I found this out the hard way. Luckily I was able to seperate them and return them both for a pair of clarkiis. One of my clarkiis is hosting in my condi. Yeah!
  19. museumgirl

    Nitrates high with new additions

    The tanks are at the children's museum that I work at, so over- feeding has been a problem in the past. I'll have to make sure that's not my problem. The flower anem. I have a picture on another thread in the clowns and anem. forum. Check it out.
  20. museumgirl

    Choc Chip star

    We don't have any tangs so I'll have to find some seaweed and try that too.