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  1. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    seachem is good, eh? Ok...I will try to go to the LFS and see if they have it in stock and get that iodine bath done. I appreciate your advice and wish me luck. *sigh*:(
  2. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    i have kent iodine supplements...will that work? Do I take the whole coral out and just dip the coral in a bath or do I squirt the iodine all over the coral tips affected area?
  3. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    I am not sure what type I have since I am at work but it's the Iodine Supplement in those bottles for additives. Is it seachem? It could be. So...I can just drop the whole coral in or just spray it on the coral? What would be the best method?
  4. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    when you say iodine I use the iodine supplement and squirt iodine over the acropora or is there a special solution that i use? Dont want to hurt the poor guy anymore than I have to. THanks
  5. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    Yeah, I get your message. I am finding that one can never ask enough before making a purchase. I will probably see if I can work on getting some smaller frags from other local reefers and see how they turn out. Thanks for the good advice. I will see what I can do tonight....*sigh* If I do...
  6. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    thanks for the advice. In the future, what should I be looking for in Acroporas??? I admit that I did see the LFS unpacking this particular piece that I picked up but didn't think anything of it unti I saw the tissue loss... Oh man...tough lessons in this hobby!
  7. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    Jon: I can see the white underneath portion of the Acropora...the zoo is completely gone and I think that it was tissue that I saw leaving the skeleton. I know that I will check on it tonight when I get back from work...see how it looks. I just hope it's not a bacteria issue resulting in loss...
  8. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    my calcium levels are 400-450 currently. for alk...the color code just says in the high range. Thanks!
  9. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    Jon: Hi. looked fine at the LFS but when I was acclimating it with my water before placing it in my tank....I noticed some tissue material around the bleached part of the Acropora. I have it near the powerhead so it is getting nice current with lighting right near the top. As for the...
  10. newbiesalttank

    Acropora Question

    I bought an Acropora this weekend. It looked healthy at the LFS and when I got had some things sticking(die off) to certain colony sticks. Anyways, most of the Acropora turned brown within a few minutes except for a patch in the back which remained bleached white. Now...I see more...
  11. newbiesalttank

    Pink Leather Coral

    Thanks. I had a feeling it was dyed but we will see how long the color last. If anything, the leather coral looks healthy and is expanding in all directions. thanks....
  12. newbiesalttank

    Pink Leather Coral

    Hi. I just recently bought a hot pink leather finger coral(?)-is this natural of did the supplier for the LFS dyed it? Does anyone have experience with this color leather? I will try to get a picture for viewing but my digital camera is not working yet. Thanks in advance/
  13. newbiesalttank

    mushrooms and light upgrade

    you should be ok with a light upgrade depending on high your new lights will be. Is it MH or PC lighting? I would think that you might want to ease your new lights...start at a reduced number of hours that you normally leave them on. Be careful of the initial algae bloom that always happen when...
  14. newbiesalttank

    Frags and other Saltwater Stuff in Bay Area

    anyone else looking to unload some coral frags in SF?
  15. newbiesalttank

    Frags and other Saltwater Stuff in Bay Area

    I will send you an email and we can see what you have that I am looking for. LOL Shoot. Talk to you soon.
  16. newbiesalttank

    Frags and other Saltwater Stuff in Bay Area

    I am looking for a variety of frags(SPS or soft corals) from other local reefers in San Francisco(Bay Area) since I am trying to flesh my current tank out. I am in particular looking for a good color Acorpora and Colt Coral. Also, is anyone out there looking to get rid of an extra reef tank?? I...
  17. newbiesalttank

    Algea Problem...please help

    Your algae is a result of the light change. If you are going through a greenish-film on your tank walls than it's the light. You will need to be patient and keep scrubing the walls down for the next week and half or so. I remembered when I did a light change upwards that my tank hit the crap...
  18. newbiesalttank

    Question about algae booms.

    You can take a look into getting some inverts that might control some of the algae like snails, blue legged/hermit crabs and maybe a LM Blenny if you have alot of algae. I also went through several algae blooms at the beginning due to excess nutrients or a change in stronger lighting. I...
  19. newbiesalttank

    Is this an algae bloom?

    You should just go ahead and cut back your light time for several weeks. I ran into the same problem when I first set up my tank along with a recent light upgrade that created diatoms and an algae bloom. You are probably going to have to cut it back to around 6-6.5 hours of light for a week...
  20. newbiesalttank

    just set up new tank

    Frozenguy- Welcome to the board. Like Entice, I live in SF so we can give you some idea(s) on places to shop. I know a couple of reefers who live up towards Tracy and they might be able to give you a few other places that you can purchase from. I agree with can probably fit those...