Search results

  1. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Entice- You know a place in SF that sells mushroom rocks for $15 and acros for $25???? where is that? LOL I have only seen mushroom rocks for $25 at the cheapest and acros...oh my gosh, they are like going for $35 although my tank can't support it. How's that new tank going for you? You...
  2. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Oh. That's too bad about this weekend but let's play it by ear. If you are in Oakland next week during the day...let me know the day before and I will make arrangements or something. I should be in the office all next week except monday and wednesday. If not, we can meet the following weekend...
  3. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Hey. Yeah, we can meet in Oakland if you can make it to my work place. I will send you an email to see if that is better or stick with our original plan of meeting in San Francisco.
  4. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    I havent heard of that 7 eleven thing but nothing people do surprises me these days. I think they give sw people a bad name. As for trading, I am actually purchasing those corals off you. LOL Are you heading into SF this weekend? I am looking forward to the Xenia,etc. I will be working on...
  5. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    oK. Tank specs are as follows: 29 Gallons 2 PC Lighting Systems: 65 watts 50/50 Smart Lite AND 110 watts JBJ Light system with blue/white I think I just got a bad batch of Star Polps from that store on Balboa although they could have damaged it when bagging it since I did go on the weekends...
  6. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Entice- I checked my Nitrate levels last night after running to my buddy at the Taraval Fish Store to see if you were right about my levels being high.'s hovering around 5-10 ppm for nitrate so I think those levels are somewhat acceptable considering I don't have a refegium. I only...
  7. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    I agree with you. I admit I do bring my wife and daughter with me to 6th Avenue but they stay in the front of the store while I look around. When I find what I set out to look for, we go through it together away from the back. I do get mad at the people who grab like 10-15 bags before going...
  8. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    I think you have to pick very carefully on Sunday bag sales at 6th Ave Aquarium. I also go there to check out stuff when I have time but most of the get a "bad" fish along with a good fish. I got lucky with their bag of coral catfish but some of the other stuff was not great...didn't...
  9. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Entice- No. I didn't say nitrates was 0..i said nitrites were 0. I need to buy a testing kit for nitrates but I can't believe it will be high since my cycle should be way done and over with by now. Maybe you are nitrates might have been high before which accounted for the algae...
  10. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Entice- Hey. That would be cool. I can use some feather calupera once my water stabilizes. As for my star polps, I already tried every place without success so I left them alone at the very top with moderate water flow and see what happens. I have close to 175watts of PC lighting going into a...
  11. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Entice- Your tank looks nice. It's got alot of green in it. I have more rock but not as much green. I am waiting for more growth to appear since the tank is only about 2.5 months old so it needs more time to mature. I battled algae blooms for the first half so it was very stressful for a...
  12. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Entice- I also go to that guy on Taraval alot. He is fair on pricing but does need to expand on things. I live near Taraval which is why I like to visit there. 6th Ave aquarium is good too for variety and although we hate the service...can't beat the things you see there. I am not in high...
  13. newbiesalttank

    rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

    Hey Entice- I just went to Nippon yesterday myself and it looks like their Acoporas are either recovering or still not looking too well. I saw several of their hard corals with a amount of white on their ends so I would probably stay away from purchasing until the color changes. I browsed...
  14. newbiesalttank

    red sea xenia and other corals/frags in bay area

    Hi. I would be interested in purchasing some of your corals if you are heading into San Francisco(home). I work in Oakland so we can meet there if you are coming in from Tracy. How much for your pulsing Xenia? is it $5 per stalk? If so, I would be interested in getting 2 stalks from you along...
  15. newbiesalttank

    Metallic Green Star Polps won't open

    I will be patient. I just don't want the star polps to be dead and start polluting the water without me knowing. You might be right about different chemicals in the tank. I know I have problems with some corals and it might just a little more maturing of my water. Thanks!
  16. newbiesalttank

    Metallic Green Star Polps won't open

    I moved the star polps around to see if they liked it in a different spot. It's still getting a decent wave motion from the powerhead and enough light. It's been 2.5 weeks now since I bought the darn thing and nada. In fact, I see some of the rods starting to go clear and white now. Is that...
  17. newbiesalttank

    Metallic Green Star Polps won't open

    That's weird you mentioned the iodine issue since someone else had posted something on one of the other Star Polps thread that they recommended adding iodine to jump start it. I have heard that the Star Polps do go crazy once they get started but I am still anxiously waiting for them to start...
  18. newbiesalttank

    Metallic Green Star Polps won't open

    Thanks for the kind reply since I hope that my star polps are just getting used to the water since they are at the very top in direct light contact. In addition, they are around 6-8 inches from a moving power head so I will give it a few more days and see if they don't peek around. If you have...
  19. newbiesalttank

    Metallic Green Star Polps won't open

    I bought some Metallic Green Star Polps 1.5 weeks ago and they came out for the first two days somewhat but not a peep from them since that time. Normally, how long does it take for them to appear? I see that the rods are dark purple and some are turning lighter in the last couple of...
  20. newbiesalttank

    Tank Cycling Question

    I ran into a major problem with my tank crashing down over the christmas holiday. I had major algae blooms due to new lights being installed last week without reducing the number of hours for the tank to get accustomed. Water quality went down and a mini-cycle went into a major cycle with...