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  1. slugg3r

    Corraline on the Back Glass

    Has anyone ever tried allowing their corraline algea to grow on the back glass? I was wondering if it would look any better then the blue painted background I have now, or would it look worse or cause any problems?
  2. slugg3r

    seaclone skimmer

    Stanlalee if you happen to read this how deeply submerged do you have the seaclone in your sump. I'm trying to find the best depth to make it work well. Thanks
  3. slugg3r

    Please help me identify corals

    Originally Posted by Nemo's Mom I think Slugger might have a head start on me with his new tank... I wanted to take it slow but found a good deal in the local paper for 90gal bowfront so I couldn't pass it up. Since it came with lots of live stuff I was forced to jump right into the fire.
  4. slugg3r

    Please help me identify corals

    Originally Posted by Nemo's Mom My LFS calls a Gonipora a ball coral...don't know if it's the same as a flower pot. It does look like it's dying off in parts. Keep a close eye on it The areas where it looks dead are just because my cleaner shrimp won't leave it alone so it goes into hiding...
  5. slugg3r

    Please help me identify corals

    #3, Thanks everyone for their help!!!!
  6. slugg3r

    Please help me identify corals

    #2, looks like nemo needs an anemone
  7. slugg3r

    Please help me identify corals

    This should help #1
  8. slugg3r

    Please help me identify corals

    I aquired a tank a few weeks ago and have not been able to identify all of the corals that came with it. Could you please help me identify the 3 corals that are circled. I can do some close ups if that will help. Any other comments on the tank would be appreciated including placement and care...
  9. slugg3r

    Keeping a QT functioning

    I was just wondering what everyone did to keep thier QT functioning while it is empty. At times I'm sure my QT won't be used for months if not longer. How do you guys keep it ready for fish. I was thinking I would use my dirty water from my DT during a water change and use it for about a 20%...
  10. slugg3r

    Sump & refugium

    Oceanic makes them. Check out their site to find a dealer.
  11. slugg3r

    getting ammo higher for cycling

    If the LR is precured it sounds like it already had enough bacteria to keep the tank from cycling very much. IMO if you have already had two shrimp rot away and your amonia and trites are 0 and stable then you are ready for some small bioload. Just keep it small and add slowly.
  12. slugg3r

    Need some help with Feeding

    Hello, I just aquired a 90gal tank that is lightly stocked and am not fully sure how to feed everything. I have: Clownfish sixline wrasse Skunk Cleaner shrimp banded coral shrimp about 10 hermits (variety) 10 turbo snails 10 nassarius snails So far I have been feeding about once every day...
  13. slugg3r

    Suggestions for a newbie w/ move

    I'm thinking about buying 2 smaller tanks this week, 1 for a future sump, and 1 for a future QT. Would I be able to put the fish/corals/inverts, in these new tanks with the exisiting water a powerhead and filter for a few days while I get the DT cleaned and up and running with RO water, the...
  14. slugg3r

    Suggestions for a newbie w/ move

    He said because of all the Algae growth in his sand I should replace it. Should I just keep it then? He only had a 1" or so sandbed and I would like to increase it to 2"-3" by adding some sand anyway. Thanks again for your help... I definitely still have lots to learn and now I am jumping into...
  15. slugg3r

    Suggestions for a newbie w/ move

    I've been reading these boards for awhile and it is finally time for me to take the plunge. I was just able to buy a 90gal bowfront from a local person looking for a change and he is going to help me move it next week. I'm trying to figure out how to best move the tank and keep as much alive as...