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  1. slugg3r

    Rushed in, what can I do?

    Sorry to see you stuck in this position. My best advice is to go to your local fish store and buy a ton of live Rock that is already cured. Put it in your display tank and monitor it very closely, preparing to do water changes every day if necessary. Since the Rock is cured if you buy enough...
  2. slugg3r

    My sixline jumped....

    I love my 6-line. He gets along with all of my fish (clown, jawfish, and lawnmower blenny). My favorite thing to see is when I find my 6-line sitting in my leather toadstool with my clownfish as if they were a mated pair. I thought I was seeing things the first time. I can't believe the...
  3. slugg3r

    Good detrivores?

    Originally Posted by AndyAZ I've got about 100gph on each side pointing in towards the middle of the tank (going to move them down closer to the sand and aim them lower as well). What gph rating should I be looking at? Maybe two on each side, one higher in the tank and one lower? I would...
  4. slugg3r

    Green Brittle Stars

    I've had one for about a month without any issues. I do make sure to spot feed it a healty amount at least every other day. Sometimes my scarlet cleaner or peppermint shrimp run all over the starfish and the starfish doesn't pay them much mind. There was one time he moved close to my jawfish...
  5. slugg3r

    Green Brittle Starfish

    I've got one of these and he eats like a champ. Just worried I may almost be over feeding him. I generally feed him 1/3 - 1/2 of a raw small sized cocktail shrimp usually every day. Sometimes every other day and he eats it up in about 15 seconds and is out reaching for more. The piece of...
  6. slugg3r

    brand new SW fishtank owner

    I will warn you, being fairly new at this myself (getting towards 6 months), if you can't find the time in the day to surf the internet and learn about this hobby you won't have time to give the tank the attention it needs. Especially early on you can't learn it all in a weekend so you need to...
  7. slugg3r

    Back Siphon problem---sump

    The easy way to slow down the pump is to put a ball valve in your piping and close it down some. This increases the head pressure and slows the pump down.
  8. slugg3r

    Trapped Jawfish

    Well my second Jawfish didn't make it . He just wouldn't eat. He would even come out of his hole and take food into his mouth, but then he would spit it out everytime. It was a frustrating thing to watch considering how active he was. The other Jawfish is doing great though and is a blast...
  9. slugg3r

    Trapped Jawfish

    He came out. Since I got 2, one is doing awesome (the one that wouldn't come out) although it took him 3 days to come out he is pretty outgoing and eats anything in the tank. The second one seems to be on a hunger strike and I am getting worried. Today makes 2 weeks since he was shipped to me...
  10. slugg3r

    Whats better?

    Originally Posted by grips Overall, I would just go topless unless you keep fish that are notorious jumpers (in which case, I would go with eggcrate). Does eggrate work well for jumpers? I have jawfish and they are pretty small and known to jump (mine tried for awhile when introduced but have...
  11. slugg3r

    Trapped Jawfish

    OK, Thanks. I'm going to wait it out. Hopefully he comes out some tomorrow so he can get some food.
  12. slugg3r

    Trapped Jawfish

    How good is a jawfish if their hole happens to collapse slightly? I put one in my tank yesterday and by morning he had a burrow made. The entrance that I can see (there may be more) looks like it caved-in a little bit on top of the shell he had placed their. I can just barely see him move...
  13. slugg3r

    Adding sand to new Refugium

    I recently added a sump with refugium to my tank. So far I have just had clean water running through the refugium part. I would like it to have a DSB and then I plan on growing macro algea and a pod population. I purchased some live sand from this site and some "dead" argonite sand from LFS...
  14. slugg3r

    Want to add my 1st Coral

    Leather Toadstool is a good way to start. Easy to care for and a very neat looking coral.
  15. slugg3r

    cleaner or coral banded

    I have both, and if it is bothering corals you are worried about then I have more issues with my cleaner. Since the CBS mostly hides he seems to leave the coral alone. The cleaner on the other hand likes to walk all over the corals and really bothers my zoos, goniopora, and even my leather...
  16. slugg3r


    You can make a pretty good bulkhead using PVC designed for electrical work (it will be gray colored in your hardware store). Check out this site, walks you through it. Especially if you are in a hurry this is a good way to go.
  17. slugg3r

    150 Vs. 175bow

    I love my bow. I have no issue ussing the Mag float. I use the distortion to get a better look at things since many things become magnified.
  18. slugg3r

    Separating Brain and Toadstool

    Thanks for your help. I never would have thought to put it in a bucket of tank water. I aquired the corals this way and have been debating what to do for some time. I hope this works, both corals seem in good shape, especially the toadstool. I think my clown would be heartbroken to lose his...
  19. slugg3r

    Skimmer Issue

    How do you have the skimmer setup? Is it in a sump? The pump is only powerfull enough if it is no deeper then 4 inches into the water. I set mine on a stand made out of eggcrate in my sump and it works OK that way, you just have to clean out the airhose every once inawhile to ensure it...
  20. slugg3r

    Separating Brain and Toadstool

    Please help me out. As you can see by the picture I have a toadstool coral and a brain coral that have grown together. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get them apart? Thanks