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  1. mona

    mushrooms moving??

    hmmm, shrooms don't have legs, so they cannot walk.. but, i think they usually can fall off, OR they eventually will attach themselves or grow on another rock.. anyway, its not a bad thing.. good fishing. :happyfish
  2. mona

    520W PC lighting

    Hi these lights are awesome... Im interested! Is it available still???? :joy:
  3. mona

    aqua c remora

    ya everyone boasts about these skimmers, but they fail to mention that it wrecks havoc in your tank by creating bubbles..
  4. mona

    aqua c remora

    ya i thot about the skimmer box, but i think it would make the tank look so ugly.. ill try a sponge.. but i duno if it will work, it may overflow the water in the skimmer.. i may have to live with the microbubbles.. i turned the skimmer off, and my tank looked so clean.. do you think cleaning...
  5. mona

    aqua c remora

    my aquac skimmer keeps giving out microbubbles. i kept waiting and waiting but it still produces it. its been 3 months now. my water parameters are: salinity: 1.024 PH: 8.2 ammonia: 0 nitritie: 0 nitrate: 5 i have no idea.. it skims well, but it has a downside in producing a ton of bubbles...
  6. mona

    Aqua C remora???

    hi, my remora has been in tank for about 2 weeks. it skims, but the skim isnt dark color. what settings/height do i put the cup on to get a dark skim? or light or dark same thing???? :notsure:
  7. mona

    Excalibur HV1 Hang on Back Protein Skimmer

    i think ur pump would be the main focus.. if u can replace the pump with a better one, u will be fine.. the design of the excalibur is nice in itself... kip had bad luck with it, where as Rickt4du said he loves it and his LFS uses it in the tank.. my LFS said they use it too.. i think u will...
  8. mona

    Excalibur HV1 Hang on Back Protein Skimmer

    yea everyone has their own opinion... basically, if u replace the pump once it breaks with a better pump, u will be fine. i heard good things about the excalibur.. heres another mans opinion: best thing is to try it yourself in your tank... :jumping:
  9. mona

    Live Rock has to go

    well for anyone who wants to make a sale, the best way is to beat your competitor.. or u kno, a sukka is born each day.. but ya locally u should try to sell it... cuz w shippin, that ish is gona be expensive... :rolleyes:
  10. mona

    Dogface puFFer

  11. mona


    im curious too....