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  1. mona

    onespot foxface

    wow u have my condolences...i guess i will wait for a few days or weeks n see if he improves..
  2. mona

    onespot foxface

    ya i know about their spines.. i dont touch him.. i got a 75G tank.. he is only like 4inches.. but he has been VERY shy the past 2 days. i was just wondering how long will he be this way.. his color is always changing, so he is scared or stressed always.. my water is great, so maybe he is still...
  3. mona

    onespot foxface

    i just got this fish a few days ago... does this fish swim around like tangs, or remain in one area like clowns? my fish seems scared usually.. does it take them longer to adjust? it also sees us and changes its color to light beige... whats the story with them? :notsure:
  4. mona

    few pics with questions

    I have this: PH: 8.2-8.4 Nitrate: 0 Nitrite: 0 Salinity: 1.024 Ammonia: 0 Calcium: 400-410 KH: 140 Lighting: 500W MH Salt you use: Tropic Marin Tank size: 75 How much water do you change weekly?: 10-15G What other additives do you add?: NONE How often do you add them?: NA Do you have a sump?: NO...
  5. mona

    KH and KALK question... plz help

  6. mona

    few pics with questions

    Murph, How are your corals so big!? Please answer these for me about your tank: PH: Nitrate: Nitrite: Salinity: Ammonia: Calcium: KH: Lighting: Salt you use: Tank size: How much water do you change weekly?: What other additives do you add?: How often do you add them?: Do you have a sump...
  7. mona

    KH and KALK question... plz help

    1. My calcium is 400-420 and my KH is about 140ppm (8dkh). Is my KH too low? If so, how do I bring it up? 2. Also, I have an automatic top off water system. In my 3G bucket, I usually put some KALK in there.. about half a teaspoon per gallon.. But its been about 5 months now, and I checked the...
  8. mona

    green bubble tip anemone

    how come when my lights are on, my anemone doesnt try to come out or open up fully to it?? it seems to go under a rock
  9. mona

    green bubble tip anemone

    hi guys i dont feed the anemone anything... wat do u feed an anemone? gow do u feed it? i thot my nemo should be able to feed it as it wastes in it.. do anemones like strong lighting? i feel mines is too strong..
  10. mona

    green bubble tip anemone

    hi, i have a green bubble tip anemone which I had for about 8 weeks now. for the first 2 weeks, it was actually green and bright.. and for past 5-6 weeks, it has been dull and brown.. still alive, but has no spice to it.. my clownfish lives in it.. my tank: salinity: 1.023 PH: 8.3 Calcium: 400...
  11. mona

    Remora pro question

    thats the problem.. i see a lot of oily film on my surface.. i just think the skimmer is NOT skimming how it should.. and this is suposed to be a TOP skimmer.. has anyone else done anything to their remora?
  12. mona

    Remora pro question

    I have an Aqua C Remora Pro with Mag pump.. its been up for 6 months or so.. when I first used it, it skimmed like crazy.. now it doesnt.. do i clean it? wat do i do?
  13. mona

    Want to buy DE halide bulbs

  14. mona

    Want to buy DE halide bulbs

    Hi, I want to buy 15K DE 250W MH bulbs.. Maybe phoenix brand.. let me know what you have and for how much.. i need 2..
  15. mona

    Two 250W DE MH bulbs for sale!

    hey, im interested. plz email more info:
  16. mona

    Two 250W DE MH bulbs for sale!

    wow, thats awesome!!! i am interested. Plz email me at :joy:
  17. mona

    T5 vs. PC?

    Whats the difference between T5 and PC and VHO lighting? If there is one. Which is better?
  18. mona

    Clam & SPS lighting??

  19. mona

    Clam & SPS lighting??

  20. mona

    Clam & SPS lighting??

    I just bought this: AquaMedic Ocean Light 48" 2 x 250W plus 2x54W T5 can I hold any clams and SPS? Thanks:notsure: