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  1. blenny dude


    hehe i dont know some person by the name of ryebread...:) can i use it, didn''t know it yod be mad.
  2. blenny dude

    Nano update

    er, are you planning on keeping that cow in there?
  3. blenny dude

    hey guys

    vibe i was just looking at your sig. that seahorse shouldn't be in there.......
  4. blenny dude

    PLEASE HELP, i'm sick of no answer!!!!!

    ive been trying to raise my ph, but it's taking time. ophiura has reccommended a salinity of 1.025 or 1.026 so i'm going to take her adivce on that. thanks though goldrush i didn't misse that part i just wanted to know why it wasn't moving anywhere, its still in the same spot. thank you. i...
  5. blenny dude

    PLEASE HELP, i'm sick of no answer!!!!!

    thank you mike. I read all that you posted and i've already read that like 7 times! i just wanted to know why it wasn't moving anywhere, its still in the same spot. thank you.
  6. blenny dude

    PLEASE HELP, i'm sick of no answer!!!!!

    PLease help i have asked so many times and havn't gotten an answer. i contacted ophiua and she hasn't replied. i recently put in a linckia into my 29 with 50 lbs of lr. i acclimated it for 4 hours. ph is 8.1, nitrates down everything down. salinity is 1.026. when i got the statr it stays in one...
  7. blenny dude

    10 gallon

    no just simply no don't ask.
  8. blenny dude

    10 gallon

    you could put in no more than 2 small fishes. if you have good biological filtration then 2 small fishes would be perfect no more. either 2 damsels or a smal blenny and clown or somethin. this is my opinion.
  9. blenny dude


    my salintiy is at 1.026. ph is at 8.2. it stays in one spot for a while, like it's been on this one hole for about 3 hours now, it moves its arms and body around a bit. it might be hungry because of the lfs.
  10. blenny dude

    which one they are techinically the same. the one with the long arm and the rest small is a starfish growing the one you see on top is the starfish that it dropped its arm off to regenerate a new starfish. in general this is a linckia multiflora.
  11. blenny dude


    also are the multiflora the only linkias tha will drop an arm for regeneration?
  12. blenny dude


    i got my linckia multiflora and put int in my 29 gal instead of 75. i have 60 lbs of lr like ryebreds. i acclimated it for 4 hours is that good? it seems to stay in one spot for a while then moves a little to somewhere else about an inch away,. she moves slow, is that normal behavior for a...
  13. blenny dude

    well its been about 6 hours and he's in the same spot. he moves pretty slow is it just because thats houw linckias move? he also extends his arms prett far out. i am guessing that he stays in one spot alot because there is food for him unlike in the fishstore where there was none. please respond...
  14. blenny dude

    i have him in my tank now. i can tell hes happy ( if thats possible with a starfish).:) anyways, he seemes to have extended his arms a bit, is that normal. also he moves very sclowly, i suppose he is eating but he usually will stay in one spot for a while. is that normal?
  15. blenny dude

    thank you it's been 4 hours right this second! i think it's safe to put him in.
  16. blenny dude


    how can a fish survive that long without water?
  17. blenny dude

    hope you get this ryebred. i was just wondering about you multfilora. i bought one just now. i have a 1 year old tank with 70 lbs lr in a 29. it is a reef. i read abut your 29 so i decidded to put it in my 29 lolz. how did your linckia shed its arm? what happened, also how long has it been...
  18. blenny dude

    ophiura help

    i got him. i put him in my 29 instead like ryebreds. i have 70 lbs of lr in there plenty i'd guess for him. i hope he will be happy. my tank parameters are ggood. the sal. is at 1.025 and the ph is 8.0 i'm trying to raise it. nit and all is good. at 0. i have only 3 tanks so it should be good...
  19. blenny dude

    ophiura help

    thanks, i have 135 lbs of lr in my 75. plenty of rich rock. its a reef i hope it can live in it. so the air exposure thing should not be a problem. thankz!
  20. blenny dude

    ophiura help
