Search results

  1. kadella

    Live Rock for Sale!

    Well, I'd rather not ship, but if I have to I will, I will have to look into how it's done. It is very nice figi rock, most pieces are fist-sized and larger. I will try and get a picture this weekend sometime and post. :joy:
  2. kadella

    Live Rock for Sale!

    Anyone need any live rock in New England area? I have 50 lbs of rock completely covered in coraline. I am moving soon and cannot take my livestock, so will have to start fresh again. I would be willing to travel a bit from southern Maine to meet someone. Make me an offer! I paid around...
  3. kadella

    Anything other than fish for 130 watt PC's?

    Hi All - just wondering if you know of anything else that could thrive with this lighting setup - I just have a few fish & LR/LS and also a few purple mushrooms that are doing well and some aiptasia- which I don't really - I'm working on that problem..I've read stats on many...
  4. kadella

    Need help soon!

    Well, it looks most like Ick, he is covered in white spots in the morning, but they are gone by afternoon... does Ick play hide & seek like this? Not sure what to do- should I just treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic or do hypo - it's hard to diagnose...! Any ideas? Tx! :notsure:
  5. kadella

    Help!! -what do I do?

    Thanks guys, you've been a big help! Well, I'm drawing more RO water now, might be able to get another 5 by the morning... I just retested, Amm & nitrite still at 0. All I had on hand is Novaqua a detoxifier/stresscoat - so I added that to help. I just changed the carbon in the emporer...
  6. kadella

    Help!! -what do I do?

    Well, I re-tested the levels, Alk is still undectable even though I add a little of the buffer to possibly neutralize the indicator fluid, ph is same at 8.2-3, no amm, trate or trite, sal 1.025. I turned the lights off to reduce any stress, they have gone to their sleeping spots - they did look...
  7. kadella

    Help!! -what do I do?

    Thanks, what should I test for? The usual I guess? This is the first time I have used a buffer & I messed up bad!! My ph was always right on, but my alk has been undetectable, so I thought maybe a little buffer would help.. so much for that. Luckily I had 5 gal change all mixed up & aerated...
  8. kadella

    Help!! -what do I do?

    OMG- I just added Alk indicator fluid by accident - 60 drops to my 55 gal, instead of the buffer! I had so many bottle out I didn't realize until it was too late! Did I just kill my entire tank- I have 1 clown, 2 chromis & a firefish, 60 lbs LR, 50 lbs LS & many snails/crabs & mushrooms! Help...
  9. kadella

    Need help soon!

    Hi All - I have searched high & low for my fishes recent symptoms and cannot make a diagnosis. I have a black percula clown,Harry who is about 5 weeks new in my 55 gal along with 2 chromis and a firefish, who appear fine. The clown has been eating and swimming great and playing with the...
  10. kadella

    think I have the longest cycle !!!

    Thats just about what I had when I cycled- except for I had an aqua c skimmer. Now, what do you have for a substrate and what did you use to start the cycle - uncured LR, dead shrimp, live fish? This is really long for a cycle, and you've already done water changes... I'm thinking you must...
  11. kadella

    think I have the longest cycle !!!

    I would agree on a somewhat large water change if your tank is still a 55 - what are you running for filtration? What is in the tank besides the 75 lbs LR? Did you say in a prior post you have shrimps? ***)
  12. kadella

    remora c skimmer

    Yes- I would think it's a pretty good deal - new ones are around $163. I have one and it is an awesome skimmer! :joy:
  13. kadella

    Salinity Death?

    Bump - does anyone know if a fairly quick rise in salinity to 1.028-029 could cause fish death? Tx!
  14. kadella

    Salinity Death?

    Lionfish! You are a lifesaver!! I am so overwhelmed right now I did not even think of that-I am going to mark a spot with tape or something so I know exactly how much water is missing... Now if only I could figure out why my 1st 2 fish died.... All I can do is try again I guess.. :happyfish
  15. kadella

    Salinity Death?

    Ha, knew that was coming! No - I always use RO water the same temp as tank to topoff. Apparently salinity is something that needs to be monkey'd with every day as opposed to every few days as I thought. It is a constant battle to keep it steady with evap. & water chgs etc. Do you think I have...
  16. kadella

    Salinity Death?

    Thanks for the encouragement... I'm still so sad though - I top off with RO water from the unit I set up in my basement. I usually add some topoff every 3-4 days or when I notice the water line below the black lining on the tank - I really cannot tell how much I'm losing each day, I guess I...
  17. kadella

    Salinity Death?

    Hi All - I just had a mysterious death of my 2 clowns. Water was tested by me & LFS, was perfect, also tried a poly filter to check for toxins & none there. The only thing noticeable was I hadn't realized my salinity had risen so high to 1.028 as I had been taking out so much water for testing...
  18. kadella

    Adding 2nd Clown?

    :joy: Superwade- I have the exact same problem - I got 2 Occ. Clowns last weekend - one only made it 2 days and the larger one is on day 6 now without eating, hopefully he will eat tonight, or he won't be around much longer.. what food did yours finally start eating? He seems very lonely...
  19. kadella

    Observation in QT- Help!

    In addition - I just called the LFS - I described the same symptoms to them & they said slow down, is probably just a toxin in my water as their clowns are fine. They want me to bring some water to test & put a sponge in my tank for 24 hrs to possibly absorb a toxin & identify? They said don't...
  20. kadella

    Observation in QT- Help!

    Beth - thanks for all your help- I think these 1st 2 fish may be my last. Not but several minutes after your last post, one of the clowns showing symptoms died of Brook, I have to assume. This was only 2 hours after noticing the flaking, peeling symptoms (which appeared in 1 day)- so anyone...