Search results

  1. kadella

    For Sale 48" Oceanic Double Flourcent Fixture + a Few Bulbs

    Hi Adam - I was thinking I have to be careful.. do you have a quick pic of the light & a reference of some sort, like ----? I totally trust you, but my fiance reminded me again to always ask for this before I buy something on message boards. We've had a hard time resolving a couple paypal...
  2. kadella

    For Sale 48" Oceanic Double Flourcent Fixture + a Few Bulbs

    I only have a single fixture over a glass top, would love to have a double! How about $60? I can paypal it right to you or send another way if easier for you let me know! You can email me at Can I set this right on top of my glass top? I don't have a canopy... my single...
  3. kadella

    going to saltwater

    Hi there, welcome! Good luck with your new saltwater endeavers. As far as water goes, don't treat for it, unless you test for it. Establish what your levels are and adjust from there if necessary. If you are doing fish only - you're looking essentially for zero ammonia, nitrates, & nitrites...
  4. kadella

    Converting my tank - Am I headed in the right direction?

    Not sure why anyone hasn't replied yet...usually they're very fast! I can give you a little info from what I've learned from research & other aquarists from this board, they might be able to add on more details... 55 gal is great to start with, plenty of room for a few fish, LR & corals...
  5. kadella

    Cycling again?

    There is just so much die-off when the LR is shipping, especially if you don't get overnight shipping... No matter how much you clean it up, it will start a cycle if you put it in your tank without curing it again.. I've been thinking is it really worth it? You don't get as many critters, the...
  6. kadella

    saltwater stupification

    I think a 55 gal is perfect to start with - don't use beach water or sand as there may be contaminants in there that will affect your tank. Research is priceless!! :happyfish If I hadn't thoroughly read Fenner's book and researched this site and others before I even bought a tank, I would...
  7. kadella

    Cycling again?

    I see more posts of people adding LR to tanks with livestock & trying to save their fish last minute! Since you have already gone through the initial cycle, and there is minimal die-off from your new LR, you should be good to go in maybe a week or 2 would be my guess. Or you may have no...
  8. kadella

    Cycling again?

    Yes, I'm new too but I've heard usually there is some die-off in transit, even if the rock is pre-cured. This will start a new cycle in the tank, hopefully you don't have any livestock in the tank? If so, big water changes, possibly Amquel to lessen the ammonia impact on the fish. If you have...
  9. kadella

    Chemsperts? Alk & PH Question?

    Thanks Reefnut, I really need to study more on the Alk/ph/calcium equasion. I can definitely handle the salinity, nitrate & trite & ammon. for now. Of course now all those levels are zero as there is nothing in the tank except sand. Salinity at 1.024. I'm guessing the alk reading is maybe...
  10. kadella

    Chemsperts? Alk & PH Question?

    Hi All - Can you tell if this makes sense? I am still new at understanding all of these readings. I just set up a 55 gal with 10% RO & the rest tap water (I know bad), my RO maching is now working and all future water will come from there. Currently the tank is about 2 weeks old & has nothing...
  11. kadella

    Help! Need steps for setting up!

    Should I add the LS now? I have now filled the tank with saltwater & a playsand base...water is at 75 deg. Or should I wait to add it when I get the LR & start the cycle then. If I start a cycle now, I'm just going to start another cycle when I add the LR, right? Thanks!!
  12. kadella

    Help! Need steps for setting up!

    Hi All, well, thanks to good help & advice, I was able to fill my tank up this afternoon! This is a 55 gal, FOWLR (will be). I have filled up with RO water and used 50 lbs of rinsed playsand as base, I have 30 lbs of LS to add too. ??When do I add the salt mix & LS? When the temp finally...
  13. kadella

    ammonia help!

    Had your tank fully cycled before you added the critters? What's your salinity? I'm no expert by any means, but no one else has replied yet so here's my 2 cents. If your amm & trite readings weren't stabilized - zero you may have added too much bioload too soon. Your amm is too high, i would...
  14. kadella

    How do I get water into a tank?

    Hey, thanks Ecoman - I am filling up my first tank with distilled water actually. I don't even like to shower in my own tap water! lol My house has very hard water and many traces of coppers, metal in it. I am afraid to even buy an R/O machine, as some things may end up in my tank...
  15. kadella

    How do I get water into a tank?

    Great, thanks guys - one more ?? I ordered 2 Maxi-jet 900's for this 55 gal tank - would it be practical to just pull 1 PH out and use it to pump in the new water for water changes - or just buy another one..... Wait I just answered my own question - am I correct in saying it is recommended...
  16. kadella

    How do I get water into a tank?

    Hi All - this is my first tank ever & have researched online for several months- but I'm missing this peice? This seems like a dumb question to me, but haven't seen it come up... What is the best equipment to pump water either from a trashcan or 5 gal bucket up into the tank? I'm not a big fan...
  17. kadella

    Need your equip expertise!

    Hi All, love the boards - this is the best place for good info! Anyway I am in the process of purchasing everything I need for my 1st SW. It is a 55 gal, undrilled. It will be a FOWLR to start, if I get totally addicted, I will upgrade to a much larger pre-drilled tank with sump/refugium...
  18. kadella

    Filter Recommendation Please!

    Hey, thanks so much for your help... One more question - for good water clarity/quality, how often would you run carbon when you're running a reg. canister filter 24/7 - Maybe 2 days a week or month? Thanks!
  19. kadella

    Filter Recommendation Please!

    Thanks! The Eheim canister was one of ones I was considering... I'm still a bit confused - aren't you able to run a carbon filter using the Eheim itself? Or maybe that's just in newer models? Most sites aren't telling me what kind of media their filters can use.. Thanks for your help!
  20. kadella

    Filter Recommendation Please!

    :happyfish Hi All- love the boards! I'm about to take the plunge into my 1st SW tank! I'm a lifelong lover of marine life and after reading books & boards for months, it seems doable! My tank will be a 55 gal FOWLR to start with. Will start with about 45-50 LBS of cured LR & a playsand...