Search results

  1. kadella

    Correct QT Procedure?

    Beth, thanks so much! I have studied for so long before I even bought a tank to make sure (hopefully) I never have a casualty. I will start ghost feeding my QT tomorrow as I don't even have any food at this point yet. I take it just a marine flake would be fine? I am somwhat nervous about...
  2. kadella

    Correct QT Procedure?

    Hi All - I have taken Beth's advice of course & cycled a 10 gal QT right along with my DT using LR. Both of these tanks are my 1sts. After about a month or so, the cycles are coming to a halt. In the QT, I am running a sm. heater, & hang-on filter, 1 Powerhead and some chunks of LR and pvc...
  3. kadella

    Help- dead shrimp debris!

    Thanks for the advice guys, I guess I am being overly paranoid about this 1st tank of mine! I'm having such a time with the cycle itself, I'm not even sure I've studied enough for fish. I will just let the tank be & exist naturally. I tell you, the smell of that shrimp was almost enough for me...
  4. kadella

    Cycle won't start!

    Thanks Oceana- I was hoping for that - I got 5 hermits with the LR - so they should be having a feast today then! Sorry I am still learning this whole bacteria/cycle process - I thought that stuff was so foul, nothing would eat it! I least now that both tanks finally registered some ammonia...
  5. kadella

    Help- dead shrimp debris!

    Hi Everybody - Should I be worried? :scared: Last night I took out some dead cocktail shrimp that I used to start the cycle in my tank - forgot to turn powerheads off & when I tweezed them out, shrimp particles were blown all over my tank! This morning the water was clear and the filters...
  6. kadella

    Cycle won't start!

    Hi Everyone - just wanted to give an update on this - well my DT after 4 days of having a rotten shrimp in it- is finally reading .25 ammonia, seems to be maxed at that reading - I am definitely thinking the tank cycled with LS unnoticed by me, as I didn't think LS would start a cycle.. The tank...
  7. kadella

    Gorgeous decor for sale

    I agree, that post should be deleted, classifieds should be reserved for questions only, personal commentary about the items should be prohibited! I think they look cool! Plus less upkeep than real corals! I hope you can sell them!
  8. kadella

    Cycle won't start!

    Thanks again guys, the remaining 2 shrimp from my lunch just went in my tank... I'll check some stats in a few days & see if I get any readings... I wonder how long it will take for me to get an ammonia reading after putting those shrimp in there, it's a 55 gal so may take at least a few days...
  9. kadella

    Cycle won't start!

    Copy that - I was confused & I guess expecting more of a reaction from my LR & LS, even though it was well aquacultured/cured. I will add 2 shrimp tonight & leave in till the weekend, that way I don't assume it has cycled or not! Thanks for all your insight guys! This is my first tank, so I'm...
  10. kadella

    Cycle won't start!

    Ok, now I'm confused.. Say my tank did go through a quick cycle in a day or so & I missed it - yes it had been established a month or so before I added LR to it.. Levels were checked weekly, always at zeroes. Say it did cycle that quickly, am I going to harm anything by restarting another cycle...
  11. kadella

    Cycle won't start!

    Thanks everyone! I would never subject fish to a cycle as I do believe it damages their organs. I will be getting some shrimp cocktail for lunch today & saving a few for my tank! LOL Here's a good one for ya - I got a foot long fire worm in my live rock, can he live through the cycle...
  12. kadella

    Cycle won't start!

    Hi guys - I've had a 55 gal tank setup for about a month with LS & saltwater only.. During that time I was running 2 powerheads, emp 400 filter, & a heater. During that month all levels were zero - amm. trite, trate, ph 8.3. Salinity 1.025. I was waiting for my liverock at LFS to come in. Last...
  13. kadella

    cleaning the outside of the glass?

    Oops, my bad, not used to posting photos yet, I try again: no guarantee...! :scared:
  14. kadella

    Helpful spreadsheet...

    I'll try it too! Kudos for putting something like this togethe! Tx!
  15. kadella

    cleaning the outside of the glass?

    I think they were about 4.99 for 30 wipes. Check it out I found them online, hopefully this works.. Safe & Easy Aquarium Wipes The quick and easy way to clean your tank! Forms an invisible protective layer to help reduce future maintenance.
  16. kadella

    cleaning the outside of the glass?

    I just bought a can of wipes that are specifically for aquarium use, it says it is safe to clean both inside & outsides of aquariums, I don't have it with me here at work, but it seem much more convenient than the water down & then dry method with RO water.. I found them at *****, I haven't...
  17. kadella

    Ants in my tank!!

    Hi All - interesting question for you - It appears we are having a bit of ant epidemic & this morning I found 4 ants in my tank! Hopefully that was all that was in there.. If there are some that are hidden, will that jump ammonia just like anything else decaying? I have put out some ant traps...
  18. kadella

    For Sale 48" Oceanic Double Flourcent Fixture + a Few Bulbs

    I put all my shipping info on the paypal payment email, let me know if you didn't get it.
  19. kadella

    For Sale 48" Oceanic Double Flourcent Fixture + a Few Bulbs

    I don't know... you are from Brooklyn just kidding, that's good enough, I just sent you the money to your paypal email address. Just include whatever bulbs you want, whichever look the best, I have a FOWLR, so I like good color & blue lighting/tint too. I'm not too sure what's best...