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  1. mrswv1956


    yes kelly that is it,but i have had him almost two years hasn't been agressive so far.but i was wondering why when i put him in qt tank and started dropping the salt level,he almost died so i took him out and put him back in the main tank and now he is fine.and i got rid of my ick thank god.
  2. mrswv1956


    i mean its tail looks like an eel to me it is connected no breaks
  3. mrswv1956


    I have this fish i think, its head looks like a cat fish but its tail looks like a wrasse,i tried to take pictures but for some reason it dosent show up funniest thing its like its a ghost,the reason i think it might be in the wrasse famly is when i had ick and i put my ohter fish in qt and i...
  4. mrswv1956

    Have you ever been stung?

    I got stung by my fox tang last week and thanks to the people in here they helped me, told me to run hot water on it and it really helped. But boy did that hurt worst sting i ever had. mrswv1956
  5. mrswv1956


    hi to you to i guess your the only other wv i have seen in here to.and i really appreciate this site it has helped me alot,i dont post alot because i find alot of my answers by reading other post except last week when i got stung by my foxtang then i jumped on line to get help fast that hurt...
  6. mrswv1956


    sorry the picture i was just fooling around with have never tried to post a picture before just wanted to see if i could. I could'nt get a good picture of what i was talking about as they are really tiny and i dont have a zoom. but thanks for your answer,really love this site. mrswv1956
  7. mrswv1956


    i have these little things coming out of my lr that look like little feather dusters,very pretty most of them are white one is pink,and another is white and gray any ideals.if this picture shows up i am just trying to learn how to attach them ,lol i am new to all this stuff
  8. mrswv1956


    what do pods look like,and what are they.i have these little bubble things attaching all over the glass and some are on the live rock,kind of look sliver to me.and i also have these little things popping out of my live rock sort of look like tiny feather dusters and if u move to fast they will...
  9. mrswv1956

    help fast stung

    Thanks for all the help guys,i survied the night but have one sore finger,i have another question though after i got all my fish into the hospital tank,this morning i have noticed in my main tank there are these little things that look sort of like eggs,but are silver in color,all over my live...
  10. mrswv1956

    help fast stung

    ok i will but dont think i will have to, its doing alot better now that i have soaked in hot water,plus i took a benadryl tablet,when it happened dont know if it helped but dont think it hurt any lol,but if u had not answered me when u did, i was about to really panic,was home alone and didnt...
  11. mrswv1956

    help fast stung

    ok sammy thank you very much,i;m feeling alot better but oh he get me good i was bleeding everywhere,got me in 3 different places on the same finger got my rings off just in time,now they wont even start on my finger ,but gain thanks,you;re the only one that answer me and i was scared never had...
  12. mrswv1956

    help fast stung

    no, no allergies that i know of, except seasonal allergies, and codiene, but god this hurts i was soaking in cold water but since your reply i have started hotwater starting to feel alot better but still swelled bad thank u very much i poster in the disease forum but no buudy answer me thank u i...
  13. mrswv1956

    help fast stung

    thanks alot u guys i was really getting worried dose it usually swell alot because mine is; he got me really good 3 different places on the same finger. stupid me i knew better i have had these fish for two years with no promblem then dummy me bought two new fish clowns and now have ick in main...
  14. mrswv1956

    help fast stung

    what do u mean hot wate i have been putting cold water on it damn this stings worse then beging stunk by a wasper
  15. mrswv1956

    help fast stung

    hay guys was putting my fish in a hospital tank and got stung by my fox tang i am swelling bad and it hurts really bad what should i do
  16. mrswv1956

    help stung by fox tang

    i was putting my fish in a hoapital tank and have got stunk by my fox tang has this thing happen to anyone else and what do u do damn it hurts really bad i cant stop the hurting and it is swelling oh by the way they have ick.
  17. mrswv1956

    urgent ballast questions

    ok been trying to find some answers to my lighting promblems to,so i have been following u guys what are these ballasts you guys are talking about,my tank is a 55 gal,has to hoods, not one long one, bulb size is 18 inches,and i want to up my lighting do i need to get a differnt hood for my tank...
  18. mrswv1956

    switching from cc to ls

    thanks for the info i was thinking the sam thing about them not being able to move on the cc,i ran a test on my water for copper it didnt show any dont have copper piping.wonder if i could put ls on top of my cc instead of having to do the whole thing,or maybe move the cc to one side of the tank...
  19. mrswv1956

    switching from cc to ls

    Yes i have tested all my nitrates every thing is ok,and no i didnt use any med in my tank when it was freshwater,i always set up another tank for that kind of stuff,but i think i might have found my promblem in everything i have read it says the crabs and snails can;t stand high temp they need...
  20. mrswv1956

    switching from cc to ls

    forgot to say i use tap water,can that be why i have trouble with snails and crabs,and also the hood on my 55 gal tank uses to bulbs 18 inches i am using the ACTINIC 03 blue it says it has a 360 output is this good enough lighting for LR and inverts corals and such,because i would like to add...