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  1. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Just a couple of update pics. Sorry about the horrible quality... I used my phone to take them. LS and LR have been added. And now... the dreaded wait ***)
  2. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    Originally Posted by crash&burn what pump are you using for your return? i like your set up. Not sure on the brand, but it's a 1200 gph model. The DT is 125g.
  3. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    Thaks for the help everyone. I think the design below is what I am going to go with. The drains going in to the skimmer obviously won't be that high above the water level. I am going to use 90's on the ends and have half of the fitting out of the water to allow for air to escape and cut down...
  4. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    So I shouldn't T off of the drain in to the fuge section? I've been reading a lot the past few days and for systems that drain in to a fuge, they recommend 75% of the water go to the skimmer section and the rest to the fuge. Other say to T off of the return pump with a spray bar in the fuge...
  5. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    Thanks. Sorry... I didn't mean my return level changes like by the minute. Just from evaporation, which is usually a gallon or so a day. On the drain line... Wouldn't that cause detrius/debris to go directly in to the fuge? Or is that the point? I'll have LR and macro algea in the fuge...
  6. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    This is what I was thinking about for the new sump:
  7. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    Where does evaporation take its toll on your system? The other 2 chambers on my current setup are always at the same level. It's hard to tell from my awesome drawing that the skimmer is in the sump, not HOB.
  8. extremepcs

    containers to buy water

    Milk jugs... Especially if your tank needs extra calcium I use Homer buckets from Home Depot. The lids seal really tight. A big plus when you drive like I do.
  9. extremepcs

    Where do I buy?

    Originally Posted by CAM78 Really? I heard they only have Plexi-glass there. Is plexi-glass ok to use rather than acrylic? My HD has acrylic panels. They are in with the plexiglass, but the lable specifies that it is acrylic. I forget the brand name... Something like Omniview.
  10. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 I was going to say the fuge should be on the other side where the return pump is located......I would split 1 of the drains to feed the fuge separately....What else aren't you happy with? The skimmer being in the pump (return?) section. The water level...
  11. extremepcs

    Sump plumbing help needed!

    Hi all, I am redesigning my sump and I need some help figuring out the plumbing. I have a 125g corner flow (2 overflow boxes, 1 in each corner) and I'm debating how I should run the drain lines from the tank. My current setup is pictured below. I am not happy with it at all. I am going to...
  12. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Originally Posted by maxalmon Very nice, great craftsmanskip...Can't wait to see the tank when it's complete Thanks. I should have some new pics by Monday. Live sand and water go in tomorrow, and I'll probably pick up my live rock this weekend. Then comes the dreaded cycle wait.
  13. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Originally Posted by puffer32 Love the crown molding, been wanting hubby to put some in the living room, much cheaper to put on a stand! Very nice Thanks. And yeah, it is expensive. An 8' section was almost $40. I'd hate to have to do my whole living room!
  14. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Originally Posted by jeepxj922 whered you get the egg crate stuff thats cool.. could you put a light right on top of the egg crate? Yep, Home Depot, in the lighting section. It's meant for the fluorescent light fixtures that go in drop ceilings. I guess you could put a low power/heat light on...
  15. extremepcs

    Green Star Polyp is white?

    Originally Posted by crt81 It's okay if the center blooms are white! I have a green star poyp and mine are white but everything around mine is green and so should yours! I am not really sure why from the photo yours is all white unless the lighting isn't good! Thanks. Yes, just the centers...
  16. extremepcs

    Green Star Polyp is white?

    Thanks. My readings as of yesterday are: SG 1.025 Ph 8.2 Nitrates 8 Nitrite 0 Amonia 0 Calcium 450 Temp 79.5 The tank is a 125g with 55g sump. 1200 GPH pump. 125 lb live rock. Inhabitants: 1 hippo tank 1 lopezi tang 2 perc. clowns sand sifting star red serpent star several hermits and snails...
  17. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa Wow, very cool!! I wish I knew how to do that kind of stuff!! Can't wait to see everything come together. What do you have planned for it? Lisa :happyfish Thanks. I am going to try to make it a reef. For fish, I'll probably stick with 2 small perc. clowns, a...
  18. extremepcs

    Green Star Polyp is white?

    Hi all, I am new to coral so I don't know, but why would a green star polyp have white "blooms"? Too much light? Not enough? It's near the top of my tank and my lights are 96w 10k PC's (125g tank). The center of the blooms are white and I thought they were supposed to be green. Here's a...
  19. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Originally Posted by hot883 j/k That baby could withstand any earthquake. Ha! Thats very nice craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing. Barry LOL... Yeah, you could park a Volkswagen on the stand. I have a tendency to overbuild stuff. I wanted to make it strong and a little over size so I...
  20. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    1 more for now. This is just the egg crate top. I didn't want to use the glass top becuase I know it's going to get too hot (using a 150w MH Sun Pod). The egg crate will just help prevent any fish suicides The egg crate on the bottom of the tank is just to keep rocks off of the glass...