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  1. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    More pics of the tank and the MJ 1200 mod
  2. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Hi all, Here are some pics of my new Aquapd 24g and the custom stand that I built for it. I will be adding water and live sand tomorrow. I will post more pics as progress is made. Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for looking!
  3. extremepcs

    building an Aquapod 24 stand

    Looks good. I was in a time crunch, so this is what I built last weekend. I'll be posting more pics this weekend when I get the tank installed and filled. I still need to build the door, but it works for now.
  4. extremepcs

    How long will live sand live outside a tank?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Put it in the biggest container you can find with a powerhead or an air pump with as much water as you can. A heater is a huge plus. Thanks. Luckily I was able to juggle some stuff around and was able to get the tank setup this morning. BIG relief :joy:
  5. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    Originally Posted by costa13 I am pretty sure she said her husbands father is making the doors for them. By the way great looking piece of furniture(stand) you got there. Good Luck! Yeah, now I remember reading that
  6. extremepcs

    need help with stary voltage?

    Pick up a cheap VOM (volt ohm meter) from radio shack or an auto parts store and stick the tip of the red probe in the tank. Stick the black one in the ground plug of an outlet (the middle one) or on a water pipe. And yes, you can replace a standard grounded outlet with a GFCI outlet. If the...
  7. extremepcs

    How long will live sand live outside a tank?

    Hi all, I ordered some LS from SWF. I was hoping it would take the normal 2 days to ship, but they were uber efficient and shipped it in 1 Question - Will LS be OK without being put in to a tank for 48 hours (24 hours shipping, 24 more to get my tank setup). I MIGHT be able set up the...
  8. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    Not really. The stand has been built and sitting in the garage for three months waiting on the temp to raise so it could be stained. Katz LOL... I'm staining my nano stand in the basement right now. It's WAY too cold outside (10 deg. last time I checked). I'll probably be sleeping on the...
  9. extremepcs

    How much sand?

    Great. Thanks everyone!
  10. extremepcs

    How much sand?

    Bump. Anyone?
  11. extremepcs

    Slightly OT: Installing RO/DI system -- help

    You could use a drain saddle valve and connect it above the disposer. You may get in trouble with your landlord though. The saddle valve will punch a hole in the drain line. It's not a big deal to replace the down tube from the sink though. You could always do it yourself before you move...
  12. extremepcs


    Originally Posted by nanahugs Extreme, Did you buy the one with the 150W MH light as well? I like that these are already painted black on the back and the size. I think the filter comes with it but I am not sure. This is on sale at the website where I usually shop. Yep. I got the one with...
  13. extremepcs


    I'll let you know... Mine will be here on Wednesday of this week
  14. extremepcs

    How much sand?

    Sorry if this is a duplicate-like post. I started a similar thread in the new hobby forum about which brand of live sand to use. Anyway, I would like to hear how much sand the rest of you 24g Aquapod owners used. Going by the tank dimensions, SWF recommends 68 lbs. for a 5" sand bed. Would I...
  15. extremepcs

    Live sand brand?

    Wow. I used the calculator on this site and it said I need 68 lbs. of sand for a 5" bed. Seems like a lot for a 24g "cube" tank. The dimensions are roughly 20" L x 17" W x 20" H. Maybe I should post in the nano forum and ask other Aquapod owners how much they used.
  16. extremepcs

    Live sand brand?

    Thanks. I did read about that somewhere... If money were no object, would it be best to do a deep bed of all live sand, or dead sand with like 20% live mixed in?
  17. extremepcs

    Live sand brand?

    Hi all, I need to purchase live sand for a new nano tank. I can get CaribSea brand at my LFS. Is it OK? Or should I order the Premium Keys brand from SWF? What's the difference, if any? Thanks
  18. extremepcs

    Aquapod 12g cooling system

    On my 12g, it appears that the fans only vent the hood lights. They blow out on mine. I assume it helps keep the water temp down by removing heat from the hood. I can't say for sure on nano tanks, but in computers, any time you put two fans close together blowing in different directions, it...
  19. extremepcs

    MJ 1200 in Aquapod 24?

    I've read a couple of posts that say a Maxi-Jet 1200 is a good replacement for the stock pump that comes with the Aquapod 24g. Is this true? Just want to make sure before I buy the MJ. Does it need to be moded in any way to fit properly? Thank you.
  20. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    How did you not get stain all over the garage floor like I did??? Love the color. Which one did you choose?