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  1. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    Originally Posted by azfishgal It's a 12 gallon Nano tank (but come to find out it only holds 10 gallons), BUT will be getting a larger one in the future, probably a 20 gallon long. My new fish will be on the small side, so they should be ok in what I have. If I need a QT when they are full...
  2. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    VERY NICE! Did he paint the inside, or use some type of laminate, like melamine or formica? Either would be great for water. Wish I would have done that on mine. I used 3 coats spar urethane (designed for wooden boats) but I'm still afraid that over time it's going to warp or rot. I really...
  3. extremepcs

    building an Aquapod 24 stand

    Cool. Keep us posted with pics. I'm about to get a 24g aquapod and I too don't like the stands. I built a stand for my 125g, so a smaller one should be a piece of cake!
  4. extremepcs

    Red Serpent Star losing tenticals?

    Just wanted to update on my calcium level. It's at 420.
  5. extremepcs

    Red Serpent Star losing tenticals?

    Cool. Thanks everyone. I'll post again if he gets better, or worse.
  6. extremepcs

    Auto feeder for Aquapod 24g?

    Hi all, I am going to be getting a 24g Aquapod for my office. I'm going to need an auto feeder for weekends. Looking at the tank (my son has a 12g model in his room), I don't see any way to hang an auto feeder on it without leaving the lid cracked open. Would I better off with the HQI model...
  7. extremepcs

    Red Serpent Star losing tenticals?

    It's hard to tell because he always hides in the rocks, but it looks like 2 are still intact. So do they grow back, assuming he isn't dying? I have a coral banded shrimp that lost an arm and it grew back in about a week. He uses both of them to pull my snails off the rocks now 8-)
  8. extremepcs

    Red Serpent Star losing tenticals?

    It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow. He is moving around the tank, so at least I know he's still alive.
  9. extremepcs

    Red Serpent Star losing tenticals?

    Originally Posted by Jesses89 what are your water parameters.... and how did you acclimate it????? its falling apart.. and i think itll die... acclimation shock??? did you acclimate it properly? I drip acclimated him for 4.5 hours. My current levels are: SG 1.025 Ph 8.2 Nitrate 8-10 Nitrite...
  10. extremepcs

    Red Serpent Star losing tenticals?

    Hi all, My new Red Serpent Star seems to be losing some of its tenticals. See the picture. Is this normal? I have not seen anything picking on it. Currently I have 1 hippo tang, 1 lopezi tang, 2 perc clowns, several hermits and snails, and 1 bubble tip anemone. 125g tank and all levels are...
  11. extremepcs

    Inverts dying

    Originally Posted by seasalt101 what i'm thinking is your crabs are killing each other for each others shells same with the snails, do you keep empty shells in the tank? jmo tobin I'm a n00b, but that's what I was thinking too. My hermits are always fighting over shells. It's funny to see...
  12. extremepcs

    My wife rocks!

    Originally Posted by bgrae001 Where are you at in MI? I grew up in Sterling Heights, north of Motown. Flushing. It's near Flint. I grew up in Pontiac though, not too far away from Sterling Heights.
  13. extremepcs

    My wife rocks!

    Originally Posted by bgrae001 Did I fail to mention that she's a pastry chef!!!! OK, now you're just being CRUEL
  14. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    I'm just jealous because your husband is working outside, wearing SHORTS! :mad: It's like 10 deg here in Michigan and we have 6" of snow on the ground. I had to buy a heater for my garage just so I could get my canopy built! Looks like the stand is coming along nicely! I bought some new...
  15. extremepcs

    QT question

    I am going to setup a quarantine tank this weekend. The guy at my LFS said to not put any water in it until I need to use it, and to use my main tank water when I do. He said that just leaving it running with nothing in it would be bad. Those of you with QT, do you leave a fish or something in...
  16. extremepcs

    QT question

    I am going to setup a quarantine tank this weekend. The guy at my LFS said to not put any water in it until I need to use it, and to use my main tank water when I do. He said that just leaving it running with nothing in it would be bad. Those of you with QT, do you leave a fish or something in...
  17. extremepcs

    Updated (and hopefully last) Fish List.

    Yellow tangs won't bother the other fish? I thought they were pretty aggressive.
  18. extremepcs

    Holly SWF.COM Figi LR!!!!!!!!!

    Does SWF offer a live rock "nano pack" like some others? I'm going to be building a nano soon.
  19. extremepcs

    Hippo with ich--help!

    Do cleaner shrimp help prevent ich? Help cure it?
  20. extremepcs

    RO/DI gallon jugs from Supermarket?

    Originally Posted by azfishgal Sounds like you are safe to go with your saltwater then. What kind of water do you have now in that tank? The fact your freshwater fish did not die is a good sign. Cough - straight tap water - cough Lack of research and very anxious kids casued me to fill...