Search results

  1. extremepcs

    RO/DI gallon jugs from Supermarket?

    Originally Posted by azfishgal Also, this thread is the first (that I can recall) talking about a TDS meter. I guess I'll have to get one. Have no idea what it looks like, but I'll search it out to see. My Typhoon III system from Air Water Ice came with one. Two actually... A hand held unit...
  2. extremepcs

    RO/DI gallon jugs from Supermarket?

    Originally Posted by larryndana Freshwater fish tank: I believe i read somewhere that said don't use ro/di water for freshwater tanks. Can't remember where i read that. Yeah, the guy at my LFS said that too. Something about the Ph not being high enough. I have Cichlids, so I use a lot of...
  3. extremepcs

    RO/DI gallon jugs from Supermarket?

    I ended up buying my own RODI unit from Air Water Ice. So far, so good. I have not had a chance to test all of the levels yet, but the TDS (total disolved solids) rate on my tap water is about 180. The water coming out of the unit and in to my 40 gallon bin is ZERO. It must be doing...
  4. extremepcs

    Clown in anemone

    I know this isn't rare, but it's the first time my perc clown fish has been intimate with my bubble tip anemone Thought I'd snap a pic and share! Note - The white spots are just water spots on the outside of the tank. I'll clean them one of these days
  5. extremepcs

    SilenX or Papst fans?

    I've used Pabst fans in computers I have built. They are excellent. Can't speak on the other brand. 16db will be almost inaudible. 15db is described as a pin dropping from the height of 1cm. In reference, a normal conversation is around 60db. If you find them to be too loud, consider wiring...
  6. extremepcs

    Remeber to wear your protection!!!

    LOL... I saw that on Dirty Jobs on the Discovery channel. He used em on a horse too 8-)
  7. extremepcs

    Water level in o/f box?

    Maybe ball valves on the drain lines to slow the flow? Looks like you may already have them? FWIW, I was told to not use 90's on supply lines. Using 2 45's instead helps the flow rate. Also, check to make sure your return pump isn't sucking in air bubbles.
  8. extremepcs

    Ready to buy fish - need input

    Originally Posted by azfishgal have more to look at than me. I went into the garage to check on the stand being built and noticed my tank was not covered before the cutting began and it's now covered in sawdust! :scared: My husband vacumed it up, but now I'm going to have to give...
  9. extremepcs

    Ready to buy fish - need input

    Does it (QT) need to cycle for 4-6 weeks? Can it be just a 10g with a powerhead and heater, with no rock or sand?
  10. extremepcs

    Ready to buy fish - need input

    Originally Posted by azfishgal Yeah!!! It's fish time! :happyfish Can't wait to see pics of your first tenants. Husband has started my stand! Won't be long now! Not a lot to look at right now, but the crabs are fun to watch. The emerald crabs are my favorite. They hide in the rocks most...
  11. extremepcs

    Ready to buy fish - need input

    I have roughly 120 lbs in my tank and another 20-30 in my sump. A bunch of caulpera in the refuge chamber of the sump. So I need a QT? Ah man... Another month+ to cycle another tank?
  12. extremepcs

    Ready to buy fish - need input

    Hi all, I am going to be buying fish next week. My 125g tank has fully cycled and I already have a few inverts in it and they are doing well. I purchased the "janitor reef" pack from SWF which is: Scarlet Hermit Crab: 20 Blueleg Hermit Crab: 20 Turbo/Astrea Snail: 25 Nasssarius Snail: 10...
  13. extremepcs

    Getting ready to stock tank

    Sorry, this was a duplicate message. The site timed out and I didn't think it posted.
  14. extremepcs

    glass, egg crate?

    Originally Posted by bkvreef Makes sense! The back of my hood will be open. I was more worried about the lights getting splashed. Any suggestions. My lights have an acrylic cover to help keep water out. I'm in the process of building a canopy for my 125 and I'm going to have cleats/legs to...
  15. extremepcs

    What's been your SWF experience?

    Originally Posted by NewbFishKeeper The more I read the more it sounds like SWF is less willing to satisfy a customers needs if he or she has a problem..AKA Email Response time. (Good Comment= Fast return /Bad Comment= Slow return :mad: They may have several people that are allowed to handle...
  16. extremepcs

    Lawnmower Blenny - Hearty?

    Hi all, My lawnmower blenny was DOA today right out of the box . I took the package right from the Fed Ex guy, so he wasn't sitting outside. Just curious if they are generally a hearty specimen and I was just unlucky. If they are fragile, then I will pick one up at my LFS instead of ordering...
  17. extremepcs

    **updated** 600 Gallon Pics (first fish)

    Originally Posted by rgunnell How in the heck are you gonna do your water changes? :notsure: With one of the fire fighter helicopters that scoops up water? :hilarious
  18. extremepcs

    **updated** 600 Gallon Pics (first fish)

    That's not a fish tank.... It's a HOT TUB! Very nice tank!
  19. extremepcs

    DIY sump/fuge... need input

    You're going to use glass for the partitions? In my (limited) experience, acrylic is easier to work with. You can cut it with a fine tooth saw blade, drill it, cut slots for water flow, etc... I used silicone to attach acrylic partitions to a glass tank and it works fine. Just run a bead on...
  20. extremepcs

    New nano wanted - which one?

    Thanks. Any experience with the Oceanic Biocube? Reading through the forums I have seem others recommending them over the 2 I was asking about. I see JBJ has a "2007 model" 28g that seems to have a lot of features, but I can't find much info about it on the web. I am leaning towards the...