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  1. extremepcs

    Poll - Mechanical flitration in sump

    Dang it... Should have made this an ACTUAL poll I forgot this board supports them.
  2. extremepcs

    Clown Tang with...

    That's what I was thinking too, about the similar body shape. Think I'll pass on it. I have a nano tank too, but it's way too small for it (24g). Oh well...
  3. extremepcs

    Setting up 1st Salt Aquarium

    I second that. Live rock is probably the most important thing you can add to the tank for biological filtration. You'll probably be like me and your jaw will hit the floor when you find out how much it costs, but it is a necessity. Use at least 1 pound of rock per gallon if you can. I use...
  4. extremepcs

    Setting up 1st Salt Aquarium

    I would use reef sand (and some live sand) and lose the under gravel filter. I don't think you will need the air pump for anything either. Bubbles in a SW tank are not a good thing. Take both of them back to the store and put the money towards a skimmer. as far as which brand... I don't...
  5. extremepcs

    Will blue and red legged crabs hurt anemones?????

    I'm a newbie, so don't take my word for it, but my crabs don't bother my bubble tip anemone. I have scarlets, blue leg, and emeralds.
  6. extremepcs

    Poll - Mechanical flitration in sump

    Just trying to see how many of you run some kind of mechanical filtration in your sumps (i.e. filter floss, fliter pad, etc...) If so, how often do you clean it? Thanks!
  7. extremepcs

    Clown Tang with...

    Hi all, My LFS has a very nice clown tang for sale. Will it get along with: 1 hippo tang 1 lopezi tang 2 small perc clowns 1 coral beauty 2 cleaner shrimp I've also read that clown tangs are hard to keep. True? All tangs are about the same size (2-3"). Tank is a 125g reef (well, ONE piece of...
  8. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    Originally Posted by azfishgal Well, I did bring the water level up a bit more, about 2-3", but I can't have it to high or it will flood if the power goes out. Always a good idea to do a mock power outage to see how much your sump will hold. We have done this and can't go above a certain point...
  9. extremepcs

    Pics of one year old these corals!!!

    Originally Posted by hot883 Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing. You should contribute your knowledge in the threads. Except for the tang, I love what I see. Please get the tang out. Just curious... Is the tank too small for the tang, or are Yellow's too aggressive to be with the other fish...
  10. extremepcs

    MJ 1200 in Aquapod 24?

    Originally Posted by alirons I think the pump that came with my 24 Aquapod is 290 gph.So it would not make a difference to me. Mine too, but the MJ 1200 is supposed to run cooler. I have no idea if that's true, but my water temp stays steady at about 80.1 deg, and that's with a 150w MH light...
  11. extremepcs

    SWF doesn't want my money?

    Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt I'll give it a shot! What can it hurt right? LOL, I have never felt like such an Alien before, I just checked.....and nope, I don't have 2 heads and 3 eyes, or scales!!!! Bribe them with some fresh king crab legs
  12. extremepcs

    SWF doesn't want my money?

    Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt Well that really sucks, pardon my french! I guess I'll just be stuck spending the money locally then! I've been in Alaska for over 20 years, and thought we had made some progress with such things, one more time, I guess I was wrong!!!! Yeah, but it is a...
  13. extremepcs

    SWF doesn't want my money?

    Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt has been shipping with FedEx during all temperature ranges since 1999, including to Alaska in the dead of Winter and Arizona during the dog-days of Summer. LOL... That's weird. I'm sure if you email them they will be happy to ship non-live...
  14. extremepcs

    SWF doesn't want my money?

    On their Contact page, about half way down they state: only ships within the continental U.S. I assume that means no Alaska or Hawaii? It might be that FedEx can't guarantee overnight delivery to you way "up there"
  15. extremepcs

    Piece of JUNK power strip!

    Been there. I had the Coral Life mechanical model and I hated it. I bought 2 outdoor digital timers from Home Depot and they work great. They have a battery backup so they don't lose the settings if the power goes out.
  16. extremepcs

    SunPod HQI Metal Halid

    I have a SunPod HQI on my 24g AquaPod. I've only had it for a week or so, but the light seems fine to me. No blueness, unless the blue LED's are on. My only complaint to far is that it is LOUD. Maybe I got a bad unit, but it has an annoying rattle when the MH light is on. Not like a fan...
  17. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Yep, mine is loud too. The doors and canopy did help a lot though. I noticed you're using an extrenal pump? Did you put anything under it to isolate it from the wood, like maybe a piece of rubber? That might help too.
  18. extremepcs

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    I used CaribSea Seafloor Special Grade reef sand in my 125 (dead sand). Nice stuff!
  19. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Originally Posted by azfishgal How did I miss this thread for so long? Nice nano tank and love your stand, looks great! :cheer: I'm emptying out the water from my test run on my 125, and will be starting to add the saltwater. Ordering lr and ls this week! Thanks. I still need to build a...
  20. extremepcs

    Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!

    Originally Posted by puffer9006 that egg crate stuff doesnt effect the lights getting in Was that a question? If so, no, not much if at all. The glass top that came with it would cause the water to heat up too much, given that I have the 150w MH model. The egg crate will just help guard...