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  1. trigga fish


    It's a 300 gal. 8'x2'x3' which gave the fish plenty of swimmin' room. I haven't taken any pics since I set it up again earlier this year. I'll see if I can dig something up.
  2. trigga fish


    You could get away with a Choc Chip Star. I've had one and I've seen several other people with them. The trick I found it to keep your trigger full. I full trigger is a happy trigger. My Choc Chip was in with a clown trigger (6" or so) & Emperor angel (10" or so). If you don't keep their...
  3. trigga fish

    anyone ever try to keep a lobster

    I've thought about trying to keep a large lobster in my 300, but never went through with it. I'd hate for him to catch any of my fish sleeping. I'm sure payback for such a murder would result in an immediate frewhwater dip at boiling temp...followed by some garlic and butter sauce and a baked...
  4. trigga fish

    New Tank Buddy "Clown Trigger"

    Congratulations on your fine selection. I've had two juvs with no problems... The clown trigga is my favorite fish by far. I'm on my second one in 3.5 years. The first one I had was awsome. I had him since he was a little guy. Got to watch him change from the juv to adult tail colors. The...
  5. trigga fish

    New 300 Gallon, help me's now living in salt water and doing fine...took him a while to adjust though. I'm sure I'll have to upgrade my 300 when he outgrows it...he's only about 3' now. That filtration angle you "threw out there" sounds good. Maybe I'll upgrade my sponge filter when I get a bigger tank. But...
  6. trigga fish

    New 300 Gallon, help me

    I have a 300 with: Emperor Snapper Emperor Angel Lunar Wrasse Clown Trigger Clown Sturgeon I also have about 30 common hermit crabs ranging from about 2" to about 6"...really help to keep the tank clean. Haven't had any problems with them. The clown trigger gets a leg or two every now and...
  7. trigga fish

    Emperor Snapper...anyone have experience with them?

    Grouper Head...great id! The Emperor Angel is king of the tank and doing great. He's about 10" long, 6.5" tall and about 2.5+" thick. Now that's a fish that will eat anything! He eats anything I throw in the tank that can fit in his chunks, clams, krill, silversides, live feeder...
  8. trigga fish

    Emperor Snapper...anyone have experience with them?

    Thanks for your info. Guppie...What size tank did he outgrow? Others please keep it coming. I think I'm going to get one. My wife loves big fish...and if she had it her way, she'd buy them when they are full grown! She doesn't find watching them grow nearly as interesting as I do.
  9. trigga fish

    Emperor Snapper...anyone have experience with them?

    I'm looking at getting one and was wondering if anyone has any experince keeping them. Research says minimum of 240 gal...I have a 300 gal with a clown trigger 5", emperator 10", lunar wrasse 8" & porcupine puffer 8". Based on what I read so far I think he'll be a good tank mate, but wanted...
  10. trigga fish

    any one have a clown grouper

    The fish you are talking about may be a clown soapfish (looks like grouper). It's also sometimes called a leaflip soapfish. If you search for soapfish at some on-line stores I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for.
  11. trigga fish

    Think I made a bad choice

    I don't know what you can do to keep him from running into the mirrored sides, but the lunar wrasse can hold his own. I have one in my tank with a clown trigger and an 10" Emperator Angel that's mean as hell. The lunar wrasse just keeps his distance and darts away, he's way faster than any...
  12. trigga fish

    Trigger Companions?

    Try a Clown Sturgeon...really colorful and full of personality. I have one with a Clown Trigger and he's doing fine. Sometimes when they get next to each other they do something really wierd. The sturgeon is a really fast swimmer. The trigger will stretch out his spikes and just kinda hang in...