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  1. sylock

    My 125 soon to be system design

    L.O.T.R., Doesn't the refugium allow for critter and algae growth with out the preditors? This system is almost what I wast trying to come up with (I think this guy has done my work for me though :) ). The idea is to have some place for critters (pods, algae, etc) without preditors. What...
  2. sylock

    fox face and yellow tang

    They don't eat coraline algea though right?
  3. sylock

    My tank pics

    Very nice. Hopefully I'm going to start mine in May
  4. sylock

    how critical is UV?

    I thought they killed beneficial things too though. I was under the impression that you did _NOT_ want to use this with a reef set-up.
  5. sylock

    Miracle Mud ... what is it?

    What does it do for you? I've seen references to it and I'd like to find out what it is and what it does for a reef. Thanks
  6. sylock

    What would you do differently if you owned>>

    I'd have stripers, beer, and Captain Morgens at mine, but hey I'm still a novice when it comes to reefs. Just curious on how many successful hobby-ests end up selling frags/critters back to LFS?
  7. sylock

    Should I buy this system?

    I'll check about the instore credit. This deal seems pretty good. I went to take a look at it last night and everything was in good shape. His sump is a rubber maid but that is easily changed. One of his mushrooms was about 8 inches in diameter. They were growing like weeds :) . There's...
  8. sylock

    Should I buy this system?

    It's somewhat a matter of money. My wife doesn't want me to spend the $2500-$4000 on a system (LR, lights, equipment).
  9. sylock

    Should I buy this system?

    SALT WATER TANK, 120 gallon, 175lb live rock, numerous coral/ fish, RO unit, metal halide, VHO lighting, $1000; My first reef tank. I was looking forward to going _real_ slow and adding LR, wait a couple months, add a cleaning crew, wait a couple months, and a fish at a time every month until...
  10. sylock

    Green Tip Acropora help - ebay experence

    Report him to ----. It will take a little work but it will give me a big problems.
  11. sylock

    Could this be a nano-beginner reef?

    10 gallon tank with a 3 inch DSB and 10 lbs of live rock with a couple crabs/snails. Normal Output lights. My reason is this. I'm finishing my basement, which I will be putting a 90 gallon reef tank into. I want to show my wife the neat things that can happen. She doesn't want me to spend...
  12. sylock

    For ALL newbies!

    If most LFS keep copper in their FO tanks than how do you acclimate one of their fish into your tank? You can't gradually introduce them by combinining water. How do you introduce the fish than?
  13. sylock

    Could this be a nano-beginner reef?

    10 gallon tank with a 3 inch DSB and 10 lbs of live rock with a couple crabs/snails. Normal Output lights. My reason is this. I'm finishing my basement, which I will be putting a 90 gallon reef tank into. I want to show my wife the neat things that can happen. She doesn't want me to spend...
  14. sylock

    Should I get my LR from multiple sources?

    Ren, Please e-mail me your guy's info at '' please. Thanks.
  15. sylock

    Ethical ... Illigal ... ?

    Ok, say I go to Hawaii. I can go out several miles from the islands on snorkling trips. Would it be unethical and/or illigal to grab a gallon jug worth of sand in/near a coral reef then overnight it back to my house on the main land?
  16. sylock

    breeding mandarins

    Males have an elongated dorsel fine. (sounds bad, but it's true!)
  17. sylock

    Is Metal Halide lighting alone enough?

    Accurate, How do you have anything else with a Pendant? Doesn't the other light block the light coming from your pendant?
  18. sylock

    how to confirm cleaner shrimps got eggs

    So all you need is a separate tank? Is it to late once they've molted or do you just take the old-exoskeleton and put it in the separate tank? Seems to me that having a 10 gallon set up on the side wouldn't be that hard.
  19. sylock

    baby cleaner shimps

    I've heard of people raising them now. They resell them to their LFS. I thought it was on this board too.
  20. sylock

    Is Metal Halide lighting alone enough?

    My big concern is that if I have pendant lights then I can't really put any other lights on the system right? Because the other lights would be in the way of the light coming from the MH.