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  1. bemaniac

    Cheap places for live rock/live sand in the Bay Area?

    Hi, I was wondering how I could acquire my LR and/or LS as cheaply as possible. The closest LFS to me sells LR for a whopping $6 per pound.... but I think that's a bit over my budget. Any ideas?
  2. bemaniac

    Cheapest (yet adequate) setup for a 55 gal?

    So I finally have the tank in my possession. I'm going to remove all the sand that was in there (it looked really nasty), and clean the tank with an extremely diluted chlorine mixture (I read in several places that this was okay as long as I rinse it out thoroughly). At that point, should I...
  3. bemaniac

    Cheapest (yet adequate) setup for a 55 gal?

    Some more questions: What exactly constitutes a "good" sump setup? What do I need to make this setup adequate. Also, what are good brands of in-sump protein skimmers (I'm looking in the classifieds for used ones, but have no reference about which brands are trusted)
  4. bemaniac

    Cheapest (yet adequate) setup for a 55 gal?

    I'm looking online for someone's used live rock, is about 50-55 lbs pretty good to start? Also, I was told by my LFS that I don't really need a filter per se, but rather a sump with a protein skimmer. Is this true, or should I also have some sort of a filter as well? As for the protein skimmer...
  5. bemaniac

    Cheapest (yet adequate) setup for a 55 gal?

    So I recently received a 55 gallon acrylic tank. It came with the stand, the lighting fixture (however I think it's just a standard fluorescent fixture), and a good covering of sand (although it's not live sand, it's been sitting in still fresh water for a few months). So I want to set up my...
  6. bemaniac

    Does this sound like a reliable LFS employee?

    Would it be best to keep the sand, or just start anew with CC and/or live sand?
  7. bemaniac

    Does this sound like a reliable LFS employee?

    I'm not sure if it's drilled. I've seen the tank, but I didn't know much about saltwater tanks before that. The tank comes with a bunch of live sand (although it's been sitting in tap water for a few months, I don't know if I should use the sand), a stand, and a lighting fixture. I'll ask him if...
  8. bemaniac

    Does this sound like a reliable LFS employee?

    I asked him a number of questions about my new tank I'm getting here are the suggestions he gave: "Get your tank drilled (it's acrylic) and get a sump. You can use a fish tank as a sump" "Get a protein skimmer, heater, and return pump for the sump" "Always use RO water" "1 lb of live rock per...
  9. bemaniac

    Alternatives to RO water?

    Originally Posted by Fishcake you could possibly use tap water,But...... You would definately have to check your local water report to see how the quality is! Most people can not use tap...very few can. Well, if it's any comparison, the LFS employees told me to just use tap water for my...
  10. bemaniac

    Question about Emperor Angels

    Yeah, I'm considering that. The main reason I wanted the Emperor Angel is because they change with age, and I thought that would be pretty cool to witness (although I've heard that in captivity they don't do this all the time). Are there any interesting "changing" fish that would do well in a 55...
  11. bemaniac

    Question about Emperor Angels

    Because I'm getting this 55 gallon tank and stand for free... and I'm poor at the moment. I probably won't even be able to set it up for another month or so until I have the money to get the filter/skimmer/heater/etc.
  12. bemaniac

    Question about Emperor Angels

    Well, that's unfortunate. I always wanted this fish. But I'm not going to be immature about it and get one anyways. I want all my fish to be happy.
  13. bemaniac

    Help: Just starting out

    Originally Posted by coachKLM what sized tank and filtration? I actually haven't bought any of that stuff yet. The tank is a 55 gal acrylic.
  14. bemaniac

    Alternatives to RO water?

    So I'm about to start my first (serious) saltwater tank. I got a relatively new (no damage or leaks) 55 gallon tank from a friend, and will be setting up the tank soon. Is there any cheap alternative to RO water that's acceptable?
  15. bemaniac

    Help: Just starting out

    Originally Posted by coachKLM cycle with LR do not use fish please... throw in a raw shrimp to start the cycle .. then test everyday for ammonia... once ammonia is peaked test everyother day until all levels are 0 Thank you! Also, when the tank is cycled, what's a good fish to start with if my...
  16. bemaniac

    Question about Emperor Angels

    So this website suggests that Emperor Angels (Juvenile) have at least a 100 gallon tank (I think) to roam around. This fish I've wanted to have ever since I was little, but never got around to setting up a saltwater. Now I have the opportunity to have a tank, but it's only a 55 gallon. Is...
  17. bemaniac

    Help: Just starting out

    I'm also just starting out. I'll be getting a 55 gal tank, and was wondering what fish/rock to cycle the tank with if I eventually want a good variety of different fish in the tank.
  18. bemaniac

    top off water should be FRESH??

    Is there any alternative to RO water that's cheap? I'm just starting out with a 55 gallon tank, but I really can't afford an RO system, is there any other way I can get acceptable water into the tank at a reasonable price?