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  1. b_slate

    Cleaning Questions

    I have had my tank for about 3 months now and my sand is starting to turn a redish brown. I have a cleanup crew of snails and hermits. I also have a pencil urchin. My snails to a fairly good job on the glass but the sand is getting filthy. Anybody have any suggestions as to what I need to...
  2. b_slate

    Lighting for my 55 gal

    What is the main thing that I need to look for when looking for a good lighting system?
  3. b_slate

    Lighting for my 55 gal

    I am mainly interested in the soft corals however I would like to get a carpet anenome also. May I ask...Where did you find you lighting system at?
  4. b_slate

    Lighting for my 55 gal

    Anybody have any suggestions as to what lighting I should have for a reef tank. Right now I just have what the tank came with from walmart. Is there any good websites to find good lighting???
  5. b_slate

    Killer Urchin

    Today my Pencil Urchin ate one of my Scarlet Hermits!!! I don't know why but it got on top of the hermit and set for about a half hour. When the Urchin slid off the hermit, I noticed the hermit was gone....everything except for the shell and some leg partiles that the urchin was dragging...
  6. b_slate


    So do you think that I would be okay to put a spiny box or any other puffer in my 55 FOWLR tank. My other tank mates are 3 damsels and a false percula clownfish. I also have a cleanup crew and a featherduster.
  7. b_slate

    55 Gallon Creatures

    I wish I could get rid of my damsels too! They are so hard to catch with all the rock work. Anybody have any tips on an easy way to net a fish without having to pull all the rocks out. When they see the net coming they run and hide.
  8. b_slate

    55 Gallon Creatures

    Any of you have pictures? The tanks sound incredible! Hopefully I am on the right start and will get there. I have only had my tank for about 2 months. I have also been wanting to have a fuge but I am not real sure how to start it up.
  9. b_slate

    55 Gallon Creatures

    How long have you had your hippo tang? I want one really bad but I have heard not to put one in a 55 gal... I think I am might try my luck with it!
  10. b_slate

    55 Gallon Creatures

    Does nobody else have a 55 gallon or is nobody willing to help me?
  11. b_slate

    Clean Up Crew

    They can live without LR or Coral but it does help. Do you have sand in your tank? What size is your tank?
  12. b_slate

    55 Gallon Creatures

    What does everyone have in there 55 gallon tank? I am having a tuff time deciding what to put into mine. 70 lbs of LR 1- 3 stripe damsel 1- Blue damsel 1- false percula clownfish 1- pencil urchin 1- feather duster and a cleanup crew
  13. b_slate

    Spiny Box Puffer

    How about a hawian spotted puffer? Would it be okay in a 55 gal with a false perc?
  14. b_slate

    Spiny Box Puffer

    Nobody? Does anybody have a 55 gal with a puffer?
  15. b_slate

    Spiny Box Puffer

    Then what type of puffer would be okay with a perc clownfish? I have heard both yes and no about putting a blue tang in a 55 gallon. I plan on buying a small one and trading it when it starts to get big... Does this sound okay? If not then what fish would you recomend in a 55 gal FOWLR. The...
  16. b_slate

    Perc Clownfish

    What foods are best to feed a Percula Clown. I have one on the way from this site and I want to give it what it needs.
  17. b_slate


    In your opinion what Puffers are the least aggressive? I want one bad but I am going to have other fish with it and I don't want harm done to the other fish.
  18. b_slate

    Spiny Box Puffer

    Hippo would be about 2 inches. Are you saying that the spiny box might eat the tang?
  19. b_slate

    Spiny Box Puffer

    Would I be okay to put a Spiny Box Puffer in with a perc clown and a small hippo tang in a 55 FOWLR tank
  20. b_slate

    Cleanup crew

    I am wanting to get a false perc clown fish, a small hippo tang, some type of puffer, and a dwarf angel. However, I am not sure exactly. I want to get a cleanup crew started first though. I know I want a star fish but after that I am not sure. Any suggestions?