Search results

  1. alane67

    electic blue hermit question

    I searched the threads, and found some old old ones. But, they were old and didn't have enough information. My electric blue, has been sitting on the rock for several days. He is my only hermit. In the post I read, it stated that he is probably molting and protecting his new skin. OK...
  2. alane67

    My New "Free" SW Tank

    As a newbie myself, at first I didn't know how to get the right answers from search. At the top, you will see a search button, and a small advanced search under it. I use the advance search to try to find some info before posting. Try different words etc....I hope that helps. Also, you are not...
  3. alane67

    Brown stuff on sand

    Thanks, yeah that is what I meant how long for Also thank you for the information on the brown stuff. Happy swimming, Alane
  4. alane67

    Brown stuff on sand

    I did a search for brown algae. But the only threads I could find, mentioned diatoms. What are diatoms? Also how do you cycle your lights. I bought mine from classifieds on here, and forgot to ask about that ? It has VHO, blue acitinic, and moon lights. How long do your lights on? I...
  5. alane67

    Hermit crab again

    Thanks again for identifying my crab. Much appreciated!~ I also found some other information that did contradict the information in the previous link regarding size and agressiveness. This link is for educational use only. Thank you, alane67
  6. alane67

    zoas for sale

    Hey, am I too late to get some? email me Alane67
  7. alane67


    Jumping in here, sorry But what is a clone?? alane
  8. alane67

    Hermit crab???

    I read the link...haha. I am glad they get a bit boisterous. He will keep my damsels in check. I call them the blue devils...naughty lil creatures. Hmmm...if these hermit crabs grow big, I guess I better start rounding up some bigger shells
  9. alane67

    Hermit crab???

    THAT'S IT!!! You did it!~ Thanks, Alane
  10. alane67

    Hermit crab???

    Looks nothing at all like these...oh well, he is Originally Posted by jtrzerocool i think that you are talking about hte blue-legged hermit crab. i have about 30 of them. they are fun to watch.
  11. alane67

    Hermit crab???

    No, the coloring on legs is not the same as my blue legged. (I have some of those too.) These are COMPLETELY different in coloration. Alane
  12. alane67

    Hermit crab???

    I have a new aquisition :) A very cute hermit crab, but I can't remember what the LFS called him. I think it was Blue Kneed??? It has these adorable legs that have blue bands around the legs, and black ones. They are very distinct not mottled at all. One blue, one black..etc, The knee is blue...
  13. alane67

    Super cool!!!

    I bought a large piece of Marshall rock. I picked it out, they shook it off, put it in my cooler. When I got home and was putting it in my tank, I saw a NICE size brittle star clinging to an inside crevice, from leg tip to leg tip, about 5", also an EXTREMELLY tiny little hermit crab. Kewl, free...
  14. alane67

    Tank size

    I bought a few turbos for my tank several days ago. A few are pretty big. I am trying to keep mine really simple at first, as I learn. But, I don't think what type you buy will make a difference. alane
  15. alane67

    Um, what is the white flakey residue?

    I use to live in a city that HARD lime water. We always had a build up of it on several water outlets we would have to clean periodicaly...shower heads, faucets.... Now, cleaning those was no big deal, but if I had been into SW then, I would definately not use it. I am new too, but have come to...
  16. alane67

    damsel in distress

    So I can go ahead and get damsels out of QT tank? alane
  17. alane67

    damsel in distress

    Oh no, not ready for anemone's. Has not cycled enough. Good to about the other clown tho :) I would like some clean up crew though. I need some algae eaters bad. alane
  18. alane67

    damsel in distress

    UUUUUGGGGHHHHH I have two damsels. Fishy store will not take the lil bugga's back. They are still in my QT tank. All I have in my 75 G is a hitchhiker brittle star. I don't know what to do???? I guess I could just could collect It says they are invert safe. I did want a clown...
  19. alane67

    salinity, salinity salinity

    Since you all stated I need to raise it for inverts. I already have some hitch hiker inverts, and salinity is too low for inverts. Should i slowly increase with my water changes? Right now, I have a 75 g, and doing 3 gallon water changes weekly to bi-weekly. Thanks bunches for the info! alane
  20. alane67

    salinity, salinity salinity

    I have read sooo many different salinity levels people shoot for. I have been keeping my new tank at 1.021 -1.022. Is this too low? Good news...The star that came (unknowingly) with the new piece of rock is still alive so far and eating Also, before I put anything in there (except my star) my ph...