Search results

  1. nate_m

    Wet/Dry vs Canister

    The fuge / skimmer option looks promising. I'm stuggling with nitrates and I'm guessing its from the canister filter. I found a "AquaFuge Pro Refugium" for $400 which includes the skimmer. Are all skimmers created equal or should I go a different route and purchase a stand alone skimmer? Are...
  2. nate_m

    Wet/Dry vs Canister

    Current FOWLR (live sand bed) 50g tank has a canister filter. Thinking of making the upgrade to a reef. My question is simple. Is a wet/dry filter recommended as opposed to a canister? I was looking at the Cyclone Bio-Filters which includes a skimmer (which i currently don't have). Any using...
  3. nate_m

    Water Changing

    yah yah..i know. i knew it was coming ;) Anyway, i have done some maintenace on my current setup however i havent changed water in a while. I top off and keep it clean. With a new system to make water changes a breeze I'll have no problem doing that. I've already got the RO/DI system in...
  4. nate_m

    Water Changing

    I'm coming clean and admitting here in front of everyone that I've neglected my fishtank for the past couple months. No fatilities as the natural filtration has done its job getting rid of ammonia and nitrite. However the nitrates are out of control, so let the water changes begin. In my...
  5. nate_m

    How many Watts?

    Yah I was looking at their website and that 24" looks like the ticket. Sent you an email for the website. So do you run the PC for a couple hours, then turn on the MH with the PC, then just hte PC for a couple more hours? Recommend the lunar LEDs?
  6. nate_m

    How many Watts?

    The 36" hoods wont fit my aquarium. My tank will only take a 30" hood and I haven't found any 250W HQI in the 30" hood. Thats why I looked at the pendant. Do you have that hood right above the water, or do you have a glass cover that it sits on? Thanks for the info. - Nate
  7. nate_m

    How many Watts?

    I'm going to be converting my 50g corner FOWLR tank over to a reef tank. Its 22" deep and an odd shape for most standard hoods. My questions is how much light do I need to keep a BTA and eventually some polyps? A couple of options I have scoped out include a 250W HQI metal halide pendant. If I...
  8. nate_m

    FOWLR Upgrade. Need lighting help please.

    After some further reading it looks like a water temp rise will be a real concern with the metal halides. Are T5's a better answer? How many watts of 10k - 14k of T5s would i need to get through 20" of water? Thanks!
  9. nate_m

    FOWLR Upgrade. Need lighting help please.

    Looks like there is a 250W pendant available which would work. Could you comment on the UV filters? Any other lighting needed? Since this pendant has a glass cover can I keep it about 4-6" above the water? Sorry for all the questions ;) - Nate
  10. nate_m

    FOWLR Upgrade. Need lighting help please.

    I have a 50 gal corner. Its 22" tall. I'm considering a 150W HQI Metal Halide Pendant. 10k actinic bulb. Is the adequate for my setup? First reef purchase will most likely be a bulb anenome. Then perhaps some polyps. I'm limited to 30" fixtures which really limits the light output available...
  11. nate_m

    wtb 30" lighting

    I have a 55 gallon that i need at 30" hood for. Would like to have 300W. Let me know if you have something available. Thanks,
  12. nate_m

    Purple Tank w/ Ich & HLLE

    HT just setup for this emergency. Watching for ammonia/nitrite spike and have water aging to dilute to keep everyone healthy. Bought some 8.2 buffer for the PH but last night it was still ok. Currently using the plastic hydrometer, BUT i have the refractometer on order and will be here in 2...
  13. nate_m

    Purple Tank w/ Ich & HLLE

    I've got my work cut out for me. My PT came with significant HLLE from the LFS. Didn't know it was HLLE until he got ich and I started looking at all the disease pictures on this forum. Anyway, I moved my 4 fish into the HT and have started to slowly drop the salinity to 1.009. I'm about half...
  14. nate_m

    Purple Tank w/ Ich & HLLE

    I've got my work cut out for me. My PT came with significant HLLE from the LFS. Didn't know it was HLLE until he got ich and I started looking at all the disease pictures on this forum. Anyway, I moved my 4 fish into the HT and have started to slowly drop the salinity to 1.009. I'm about half...
  15. nate_m

    Cleanup Crews

    Cool deal. I'm going to look into the drip acclimator. I saw the 55 gallon crews but was concerned because there are so many creatures. Didn't know if my aquarium (only being 5 months old) could handle that large of a load. Just want to make sure they don't meet an unfortunate end like the...
  16. nate_m

    Cleanup Crews

    Right now I have 2 clowns and an cortez angel. Didn't drip acclimate them. Whats the setup for this method? Would not using the drip method cause them to die 2 months later? What I did do was to add a cup of water every 15 minutes for an hour or so...then added them to my tank. I guess I'm...
  17. nate_m

    Cleanup Crews

    I need some schooling on clean up crews. I had a turbo and 2 benadict snails all of which died after being in the tank for about 2 months. Water params did nothing strange and fish are all fine. Is it possilble my 3 snails starved to death? I think thats hard to believe since I have 45 lbs of...
  18. nate_m

    Cyno/Lights/Cleanup Crew

    So you guys think that my 55g tank can accomodata a 55g cleanup crew purchased at this site? Should i be concerened there isn't enough food for all those guys?
  19. nate_m

    Cyno/Lights/Cleanup Crew

    Have 2 power heads and a magnum350 canister filter. ~900g of flow in a 55. Salinity is 1.024. Acclimated them for about an hour moving 1 cup of water every 15 minutes into the bag they came in. After that I moved them directly into the tank. Didn't transfer LFS water to tank.