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  1. eel freak

    niger trigger

    good point green wolf my bad your right
  2. eel freak

    Cleaning A Tank With Venomous Specimens

    i just stick my hand in there and hope i do not get stung,and a lion fish will not come after you
  3. eel freak

    niger trigger

    that's cold i am not looking forward i was just wondering.
  4. eel freak

    puffer + lion fish

    is it a reef or not.
  5. eel freak

    Eel Question

    no no no no eels in a 29 els get way to big :happyfish
  6. eel freak

    niger trigger

    for the second time when one or two die.
  7. eel freak

    niger trigger

    i was just wondering for future reference
  8. eel freak

    niger trigger

    i was wondering about a niger triger. would it eat my fish. 1 and a half foot snowflake eel dwarf lion coral beauty 4 damsals fox face blue spoted puffer and an engener goby
  9. eel freak

    Aggressive reefs?

    i do not have any pictures of my aggresive reef but the lights are t5 and 72 gallons
  10. eel freak

    New specie lionfish found

    thats crap that is so fake but it is sort of funny as a joke+ they do not have teeth or noses and ears
  11. eel freak

    in wall tanks

    is that real coral it kinda looks fake
  12. eel freak

    TriGa22's Tank Diary

    what size tank is it
  13. eel freak


    maroons are mean as crap mine alawys bite me. Ido not really recomend any agressive fish bad idea trust me.
  14. eel freak

    dwarf lion eating

    try freeze dried shrimp off a stick or out of your hand thats what i do
  15. eel freak

    Foxface in 90 gallon yes or no?

    omg yes i have one in a 72 gallon tank. he is so dosile i feed him out of my hands.but watche those poisnous spines trust me
  16. eel freak

    Pairing maroon clowns

    purchase a pair they are extremly agresive i have a mated pair they bite the snap out of me
  17. eel freak

    Snowflake eel with inverts

    shrimp is a bad idea at any size but with others it all depends on size. i reccomend an emerald crad :thinking:
  18. eel freak


    well i jusy bought a dwarf and after 3 days i am feeding him out of my hand and he is not to aggresive and is it good if when you are walking around the tank he follows you is that nautral :happyfish
  19. eel freak

    dwarf lion eating

    also live food makes them way aggresive
  20. eel freak

    dwarf lion eating

    i feed my dwarf a freeze dried shrimp off a stick or out of my hand