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  1. aqua blue

    New Photos, Please, your comments!

    Great looking tanks!! Thanks for letting us enjoy them too. It gives me something to dream about. Fritzwilly:)
  2. aqua blue

    Take Blenny out to add sand?

    Hey skip, Just wondered how your Scooter Blenny is doing after your sand addition? I recently added 20lbs. ls to the 40lbs ls that I originally started with. I don't have much in my tank yet so I removed the fake rock cover. ( I plan on adding live rock as $$$ allow) I removed about 1/2 gal of...
  3. aqua blue

    Nitrate Removers???

    Thanks for the reply fhhub. I am new to this hobby but growing more addicted each day. There are so many things to watch, learn, and enjoy as your tank progresses. I have lost 1 Blue Devil Damsel due to the other Blue Devil Damsel. And I lost one Turbo Snail. The snail fell off the glass...
  4. aqua blue

    anyone know anything about an Orange Tailed Blue Devil Damsel?

    Also wanted to add that the colors of the Fiji Blue Devil Damsel are vivid blues with shades of purple at different times. They will also turn a dull gray when frightened. This happened while bringing them home and for the first few minutes after putting them into the tank. They can change...
  5. aqua blue

    anyone know anything about an Orange Tailed Blue Devil Damsel?

    When I purchased my Damsel to cycle my tank I bought what the local fish store called Fiji Blue Devil Damsels. One was blue with a yellow tail and yellow belly. The other was blue with a orange tail and orange belly. From the little research that I did I think the orange colored one may be...
  6. aqua blue

    Nitrate Removers???

    The Nitrate level in my tank is staying around 10 ppm. It drops closer to 5 ppm after water changes. The longer the tank is up the less effect the small water changes seem to have on dropping the nitrate level. I am just trying to learn more about other options and methods for controlling...
  7. aqua blue

    Nitrate Removers???

    Originally posted by j21kickster My best nitrate remover is a water change. Its cheap and effective, more so than those nitrate reducing filters. I am currently doing a 5 gallon water change every 2 weeks. My tank has about 40 "net" gallons. Would it be better to do a 10-15 gallon water...
  8. aqua blue

    Nitrate Removers???

    Has anyone out there ever used Kent's Nitrate Sponge or Seachem's De-Nitrate? If so how well did they work? If you have used some other Nitrate remover with success I would like to hear about it. Thanks:)
  9. aqua blue

    What temp do you keep your tank at??

    I have kept my tank temperature at 79 for the short 7 weeks that it has been up. No problems so far. And I am able to leave house A/C at about 78 - 79 to help the wallet some.:)
  10. aqua blue

    How well is your DSB working?

    Originally posted by Carrie1429 I have had a DSB since I started the hobby witch was 8 months ago, I have never had a rise in ammonia, or nitrite, my nitrates got up to 20 one time but thats as high as they went. My sand is only 3 inches deep but it still works very well. Sand and rock can be...
  11. aqua blue

    How well is your DSB working?

    Thanks for all the replies. I have added another 20lbs of ls. That brings the sand bed depth to about 2.75 inches so far. Adding the sand went pretty smooth. I will probably add another 20 lbs. to bring it over 3 inches deep. I have shopped for and found some nice cured live rock. Since I...
  12. aqua blue

    how much is too much...

    Originally posted by JawFish177 what's the maximum shrimps i can put in my 55 FOWLR so far i got 2 cleaner and 2 camelbacks... i was thinking of adding 2 more peppermint since they are 2 for $10.. let me know if this is feasible... thanks... I was just wondering how the Maroon Clowns and the...
  13. aqua blue

    Cycling Damsels???

    I used 3 Damsels to cycle my tank. I also used "Cycle" and "Stress-Zyme" to limit the peaks in Ammonia levels. Once the tank finished cycling (about 4 weeks) I added a Blue Cheek Sleeper Goby. Has anyone had problems with Damsels picking on larger fish in their tanks? Just curious.
  14. aqua blue

    How well is your DSB working?

    Originally posted by alf3482 How well do they handle your Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate levels? Just fine! I have had zero nitrates for so long I only test my tank every 3 months now. I know I'm bad but the tank is 2.5 years old now and well established. How deep is your DSB? I use a 6" DSB...
  15. aqua blue

    How well is your DSB working?

    Hello Everyone. I would like to hear from people who have deep sand beds in their tanks. How well do they handle your Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate levels? How deep is your DSB? And how long have you used this in your tank? Thanks to bad advice from many local fish stores I have started out...
  16. aqua blue

    New Saltwater Tank

    I read a Wardley's article "Why Test Water". In the section about water hardness it said that calcium should be maintained at 400 ppm and above in salt water. This is a water test that I have not been doing. I did not know how important this was. I will eventually swap out the damsels for...
  17. aqua blue

    New Saltwater Tank

    Thanks for the advice Jake22. I looked at a Fluval 304 but I was trying to keep the start up cost under control somewhat. I took advice from LFS initially. Now that I have discovered this site I hope to get better advice. I was also wondering about the importance of Calcium levels in a fish...
  18. aqua blue

    New Saltwater Tank

    Hello Everyone. I am new to the saltwater world. I am starting with a fish only tank. I have a 46 gal. (40 net gallons) bowfront tank with 40lbs. of live sand giving it about a 1.5 - 2 inch base. I am using only a Aqua Clear 300 for filtering right now. I set up the tank on 6/23. I let it...