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  1. aqua blue

    OT Recent debates over SUVs

    Yeah if you accept the idea that SUV's are bad because of the amount of gas they use then what's next. Cruise ships, Air travel?? The next thing you know they will try to say that sports teams that travel are using too much gas. YOUR FREEDOM, YOUR VEICHLE, YOUR CHOICE!!!:) :D :cool:
  2. aqua blue

    Aquarium pharmaceuticals

    I have been using the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. It was the first test kit that I bought. The Nitrate, Nitrite and pH readings are pretty easy to read. The Ammonia color varies some with the way you hold it up to the light. I also test my freshly mixed...
  3. aqua blue

    Damsels lose color at night

    Hello mchandler. The pale color when first turning on your tank lights in the morning is normal. I had a blue devil damsel, when I started my tank, that would chage to a pale purple almost gray color. Once the fish settle into their surroundings more the color changes may not be as drastic but...
  4. aqua blue

    Ot- Nfl Superbowl

    I Have To Go With The STEELERS:cool: After they way they lost to the Texans I now know that anything can happen this year.
  5. aqua blue

    Aquarium Size

    46 gallon :) :D :cool: 10 gallon HT/QT :) :D :cool:
  6. aqua blue

    yellowhead sleeper what will he eat?

    Hello ObAtAnG. I have only been in this hobby for about six months so others with more experience may offer other advice. I have a Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby that I drop 3 or 4 shrimp pellets in for him to feed on. He will chew on them and spit them out then chew on them more as the water...
  7. aqua blue

    Yellowheaded Sleeper Goby

    Hello Echofish. I am only six months into this hobby so my knowledge is limited. My Yellow Head Sleeper Goby sifts through the sand and also eats shrimp pellets. He will continue to chew and spit out and then chew some more as the pellet softens in the water. I sometimes soften the shrimp...
  8. aqua blue

    Possible Baby Cleaner Shrimp???

    Thanks for the reply. I am still new to this but could coepods be "transferred" from local fish store purchases of shrimp and fish? None of the water from the lfs was added to my QT tank. QT tank is bare bottomed, no substrate and only pvc for cover. :) :confused:
  9. aqua blue

    Possible Baby Cleaner Shrimp???

    While quarantining my most recent additions, Cleaner Shrimp and Coral Beauty, I noticed many small "white specs" crawling on the glass of my QT tank. My QT tank is a 10 gal. with PVC for cover and no substrate. I decided to quarantine the cleaner shrimp with the coral beauty to give it some...
  10. aqua blue

    Updates and Hypo Question

    Hello eipappas. Glad to hear that your clown fish is recovering well. I would start out with a half gallon water change of water at 1.023 and see how much that raises the current level. If your water is currently 1.009 then you would need to raise the level .002 each day to reach 1.023 over a...
  11. aqua blue

    Biowheel question

    Hello HNF2K. Sounds like you may have only the bio wheel being powered by a powerhead or other pump. If it is just a bio wheel alone, and not a bio wheel that is attached to a power filter with other media, then it will only provide biological filtration by allowing bacteria to grow on the...
  12. aqua blue

    ? adding fish

    Hello Parrothead. Most of the posts that I have read about Tangs reccomend at least a 4ft. long tank. A 55 would probably be the minimum for a small Tang. Others on this board will be able to give better advice based on actually keeping a Tang in a 55 gal tank. From one Parrothead to another...
  13. aqua blue

    Changing filters

    Hey c_bell. Thanks for the feedback. It is good to get info from someone using the filter as opposed to someone trying to sell it. I realize that you would not use the cleaning attachment to vaccum debri since you have a dsb. I was thinking more on the lines of disconecting the outflow and...
  14. aqua blue

    Changing filters

    Hello c_bell. Just curious as to how long you used the magnum 350 w/biowheels? What is your opinion of that filter? And why are you changing? I have been thinking about changing to that type of filter. Have you ever used the cleaning attachment to siphon out old water and siphon in new water...
  15. aqua blue

    help with cycling

    Hello mbutler. It looks like your tank is still cycling. Once the ammonia drops to 0 then watch the nitrite. It should soon follow and drop to 0. After that you may want to do a 25% water change to help with the nitrates. You can do water changes during the cycle to help control some of the...
  16. aqua blue

    help with cycling

    Welcome to the boad mbutler! I am fairly new to this too. I started my tank on 6/23/02. It took 4-5 weeks for my tank to cycle. Others with more experience will probably help you more. But to give more detailed help you will need to provide more details about your tank , substrate, filtering...
  17. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    Hello again eipappas. I have not stopped following your situation. I am just not experienced enough to provide much help. You are in good hands with the more knowledgeable people on this board. Hang in there. Still Rootin For Ya:D
  18. aqua blue

    Second Sick Sebae Clownfish

    I will contiune with the third formalin dip tomorrow. I will also continue to gradually drop the salinity towards 1.009. The salinity is currently at 1.014. I will take it down to 1.012 and then make sure I have an accurate glass hydrometer before going lower. No signs of spots or scratching...
  19. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    I have been lowering the salinity over a 3 day period. I have taken this long because this was my first time to do this, my fish has responded very well to the initial salinity drops and started eating again which relaxed me a little, and I too will need to get a more accurate glass hydrometer...
  20. aqua blue

    Second Sick Sebae Clownfish

    Originally posted by Terry B If this was a wild caught clownfish then they often have brooklynella and it is very contagious, especially to other clownfish. It can also kill in a couple of days. Copper does not treat it at all. I would suggest hyposalinity to ease the symptoms but the best...