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  1. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    Hello eipapps. I think I must be confusing a simple idea about the way I siphon out water and vaccum up debri while siphoning. The airline tubing is what you would use for an airstone. The "cleaning rod" is a extendable rod that has different sponge and pad attachment that are used to wipe the...
  2. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    I just vaccum up the trash and waste as I siphon out the salt water that I am replacing with fresh water. By doing more frequent but smaller water changes this gives me more clean up time and more repition for the learing curve. As the first few salinity drops improved the condition of my fish...
  3. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    Hello eipapps. I am glad to see others with more experience helping you. I have been doing three (1/2 gallon each) water changes each day so far. One in the morning a second one in the afternoon and a third later that night. Each water change lowers the specific gravity about .0010 - .0015 each...
  4. aqua blue

    Amonia overload

    Hello Saltysyd. Others on this board with more knowledge will be able to help you more than I probably can but I would question the test kit. That sounds like a high ammonia reading for a 6 month old tank. As far as I know Ammo Lock will still allow the ammonia to show up on tests but it is...
  5. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    Hello again epippas. The "cleaning rod" I mentioned is just the extendable rod that holds attachments for cleaning the inside glass of the tank. I just temporarily used a plastic tie wrap to hold the airline tubing to something that I could easily point and siphon trash and waste out of the...
  6. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    Hello eipapps. No my clowfish did not show any spots or color changes. I just gave the symptoms in my thread and Terry B. made a suggestion on treatment. Terry B. said that wild caught clownfish ofter have brooklynella which is a very contagious disease that can kill in a few days. I am new to...
  7. aqua blue

    Since there isn't an "Aquarium" anymore ...

    Yeah, now that I look at the pictures again I believe there was more of an open park like area on the shore by Chinaman's Hat and not all those houses. But it has been a while since I was there. I lived there from 1969 - 1973 and have been back three times since then the last time being June...
  8. aqua blue

    My clownfish is dying... HELP!

    Hello eipapps. I hope Beth and Terry B. will be able to help you with your sick fish. I am dealing with a sick Sebae Clownfish right now. I have set up a 10 gallon hospital/quarantine tank. I am currently following advice that Terry B. gave me for my particular situation. I lost one smaller...
  9. aqua blue

    Since there isn't an "Aquarium" anymore ...

    I think that is Rabbit Island on the left and Chinaman's Hat Island on the right. Nice pics. How long were you there? How do you like those constant tradewinds? We have to stir up a tropical storm or hurricane to get a steady breeze like that down here. Aloha:)
  10. aqua blue

    Second Sick Sebae Clownfish

    I am pretty sure the lfs in my area carry formalin. I can't see any mucus like strings hanging from the face or gill area. But since it quit eating instead of fish waste there is some times a mucus like string passed. I will begin dropping the salinity gradually over a 48 hr. time frame until...
  11. aqua blue

    Second Sick Sebae Clownfish

    I am not sure how to link an earlier thread to this one. But I can "bump" up the earlier thread "Sick Clownfish?"
  12. aqua blue

    Second Sick Sebae Clownfish

    Help, I am looking for advice on best treatment for my second Sebae Clownfish. It is Scratching ( Noticed Yesterday), Gasping (Noticed late last night), and quit eating just this morning. I had a smaller Sebae Clownfish that I was trying to pair up with this one. It developed the same...
  13. aqua blue

    Sick Sebae Clownfish???

    There are not any visible specks. It seems to be laboring more to breath than the other fish. It opens it's mouth more often while breathing. It will swim around tank when I approach it but it later returns to the bottom front of tank where a hermit crab is near and opens it's mouth wide and...
  14. aqua blue

    Sick Sebae Clownfish???

    I have a Sebae Clownfish that was a new addition about 5 days ago. It seemed to adjust well after the first day of confrontations from a larger Sebae Clownfish that I wanted to pair it up with. It had a few torn fins from that first day but they had healed by the third day. It had been eating...
  15. aqua blue

    anyone used a surface skimmer.?

    I have been using a Aqua Clear surface skimmer attachment that goes on the intake of my Aqua Clear 300 power filter. I've had it for over two weeks now and it has greatly reduced the surface film that I was concerned about. I used to have a slight build up of surface film except where the...
  16. aqua blue

    Clownfish Sounds???

    Well it has been two days now since starting on "pairing up" these two Sebae Clowns. The confrontations and noise have diminshed greatly. The smaller clown's fins are already starting to heal. There are now a few confrontations between the smaller clown and my four stripe damsel but they are...
  17. aqua blue

    Clownfish Sounds???

    I am attempting to pair up some Sebae Clowns. I bought a 2.75 inch one about one week ago. I re-arranged the tank and added a smaller 1.75 inch clown. I turned out the lights for the first 18 hours or so. After turning lights on the larger clown is asserting its dominance over the smaller...
  18. aqua blue

    water surface is sandy-oily

    I had the same problem with coating building up on the water surface of my tank. It was clear where the power filter outflow was rippling the water surface but was still present in other areas on the surface. I am new to this hobby and I have not added a protien skimmer yet, but I did add the...
  19. aqua blue

    Sand Bed Changing????

    Thanks for the reply Dubba-R. Any others with comments???