Search results

  1. mayo

    Testing. . .My young tank

  2. mayo

    Testing. . .My young tank

    Check out my tank I hope this works. . . I am selling this tank and everything in it. The details will be on the classified section. Please visit there for more photos or email me.
  3. mayo

    ro/di unit

    I voted no because my LFS gives free water. Just go down there with jugs and walk out with 10 gals of free h20.
  4. mayo

    top 10 fav fishies

    get a koran angel
  5. mayo

    Worm ID

    what happens if you try to pick one up with your hands ?
  6. mayo

    small bacteria problem. . .whats a good cleaner ?

    my tank has allrdy finished its cycle tho ?
  7. mayo

    Help - Feeding Corals

    dont have a protein skimmer
  8. mayo

    small bacteria problem. . .whats a good cleaner ?

    Could you please offer some help. . . I am just starting to notice small light brown patches in my once white sand. I have about 7 nas snails and 10 hermits. 1 brittle star and one emerald crab. . .what else could I do to keep my substrate a little cleaner. It's not that bad at all. . .just want...
  9. mayo

    Evil Fish

    please help
  10. mayo

    Help - Feeding Corals

    please help
  11. mayo

    Help - Feeding Corals

  12. mayo

    Evil Fish

  13. mayo users

    go to and download this program adaware version 6.0 (i think) its free and it scans your whole machine and finds all the crap that certain websites like to install. It's all spyware and that's where your pop ups are coming from. Not this website. its a great program
  14. mayo

    Help - Feeding Corals

    I have 2 corals. . . one frogspawn and one Ganiopora. Both have been in the tank for about a week and are doing great. My LFS told me that they will feed off the light and the food that I give my fish. Should I be doing something special to feed them ? or will they be fine just chowin on the...
  15. mayo

    Evil Fish

    I just saw my canary blenny take a bite at one of my nas. snails. Whats up with that ? I found a dead snail this morning, and maybe he is the explanation for it. what's his problem ?
  16. mayo

    My fire shrimp just died ? Mystery ? ? what happened

    nope. . . the tank is fairly new. . . a month and a half. cycled in 3 weeks i guess what makes me curious . . . obviously something went wrong. . .but why was the little shrimp the only thing that died ? are they super sensitive ?
  17. mayo

    My fire shrimp just died ? Mystery ? ? what happened

    it was basically clear. could a large "top off" have been the cause of his death ? I did add a slightly larger amount of freshwater today. it was reverse osmosis filtered and good water.
  18. mayo

    My fire shrimp just died ? Mystery ? ? what happened

    I got this great blood red fire shrimp 3 days ago. Acclimated him perfectly. . .super slo drip and put him in tank. He hid out for a day and half then he crawled all over the rocks like he owned the place. He was usually inverted. Anyways, I was watching my tank tonight. . .like I always do. ...
  19. mayo

    2 questions ... please look

    Is one maxi jet 900 too much current for a 29 gal ? Where do feather dusters like to sit? (current/light/on rock in sand)
  20. mayo

    New FrogSpawn !

    I just got a frogspawn. . .guy at my LFS said to put it middle/low in my tank and that it likes a medium current. . . is this true ? whats best location for it, and what is best current for it. I want this puppy to thrive.