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  1. mayo

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    DO NOT fight with people on the internet.
  2. mayo

    nickys guess that pic

    the big bang. . .how did you get a photo of it !
  3. mayo

    cone snail in my tank

    that's one evil snail
  4. mayo

    Advise, I need color!!

    flame angel
  5. mayo


    Is netting a trigger a huge pain ?
  6. mayo

    My very first coral !

    my lights ---> Coralife 2 50/50 compact fluorescents (30 inch) 123 watt. 2-65 watt lamps Actinic 03 (50%) 10,000 K (50%) is this considered low level lighting or moderate ? what would you say ? can I handle corals that need lots of light ?
  7. mayo

    My very first coral !

    please show me more. . .easy to handle corals. . .I LOVE IT !
  8. mayo

    My very first coral !

    can i see some pics of zoos, mushrooms, and xenias ? so I can make the decision ? thanks guys
  9. mayo

    My very first coral !

    I am just about to go buy my first coral. . . I don't know much about them, but I want something cool and bright. I also want it to host my two tank raised percs. What would you recommend. and how do I take proper care of it? I have a 29 gal tank live rock, live sand, standard clean up crew. 2...
  10. mayo

    HELP ! Missing Fish !

    my LFS told me that they are fine for like the first few months, but after enough time goes by, they start getting really territorial
  11. mayo

    HELP ! Missing Fish !

    dang. . .i love those blu damsels. . . but they are too agressive for my setup they are really territorial i post some pics when i can borrow a digital cam
  12. mayo

    HELP ! Missing Fish !

    what kind of tank and fish do you have ? thanks for your help
  13. mayo

    HELP ! Missing Fish !

    thank god. . . i just saw him poke out . . . little bugger ! he was just hiding. . .thanks for putting my mind at ease.
  14. mayo

    HELP ! Missing Fish !

    i got lots of live rock. . .I really hope he's just hiding. . .I really liked that little dude. . .Should I move the rocks around and try to find him ? or just let it be should I try to feed and see if he comes out ?
  15. mayo

    HELP ! Missing Fish !

    I just spent 2 hours acclimating my new Canary Blenny. . . When he got in my tank he was great, and he swam around for a long time. after about 10 mins. . .he dissapeared. . . I cant find him anywhere! Should I be worried ? Or is he just hiding ? Please tell me he's not dead. It's a 29 gal tank...
  16. mayo

    Which fish would you vote for

    pods? im somewhat of a begginer
  17. mayo

    Info about Koran Angels?

    how much did you pay for that beautiful fish ?
  18. mayo

    VENT away!

    polarpooch. . . where did you go. . . you were gonna give me info on the fairy wrasse ? you said you had a book on it ? you still wanna hook me up with youre intel ? fish im looking at is Labouts Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus laboutei) dont leave me hangin =)
  19. mayo

    Just wanted to say "hi"

    hey sterling. . . in your opinion. . . what's the best dog in the world ?
  20. mayo

    The Best LFS

    thanks, I'll check it out. . .anyone else ?