Search results

  1. mayo

    Which fish would you vote for

    polar pooch. . .that would be awesome. . . I am interested in a Labout's Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus laboutei) I would be very interested in any and all info you could give me. and thanks for your help. I have a source that will sell me one for 80 bucks. . .is that cheap?
  2. mayo

    Which fish would you vote for

    Im starting to lean towards the fairy wrasse. . . It's an expensive little bugger. . .will it die on me ? or is it pretty easy to take care of ? will it be agressive towards my percs ?
  3. mayo

    Has Anyone Owned A Canary Blenny ?

    it's venemous. . .hmmmm. . .is it agressive ? will it kill my clowns and fairy wrasse ? ? ?
  4. mayo

    The Best LFS

    need a good fish store. . . anyone. . .anyone. . . . bueller. . . .bueller
  5. mayo

    Has Anyone Owned A Canary Blenny ?

    I'm thinking about getting one, and it's very difficult to find good info on these fish. Anyone had one ? got pictures or info on it? I want to add one to my 29 gal tank, but no one has been able to share any info on them with me. please help.
  6. mayo

    The Best LFS

    Im located here in Provo, Utah. anyone know of a great LFS in or near my area. . .besides Aquatica
  7. mayo

    Which fish would you vote for

    do you think 2 percs, one chromis, and one fairy wrasse would be within the limits of my small tank ?
  8. mayo

    Which fish would you vote for

    29 gallon reef tank sharing with 2 percs
  9. mayo

    Anyone have casino tips??

    I am only 20 years old, so I can't gamble legally yet. I love playing texas hold em poker, and so far I've been able to clean out friends and relatives, but I've been eagerly waiting my first real gambling vegas trip. . . I've devised a little plan, that I think has some real merit. I am a...
  10. mayo

    Fish Vote

    I have a 29 gal reef tank. very new, just finished its cycle I am planning on having 2 percs and one of the following. . .what would you pick and why. I am a beginner at this hobby so please take that into consideration. CANARY BLENNY BLUE GREEN REEF CHROMIS FAIRY WRASSE FLAME ANGEL ORANGE...
  11. mayo

    Fish Vote

    I have a 29 gal reef tank. very new, just finished its cycle I am planning on having 2 percs and one of the following. . .what would you pick and why. I am a beginner at this hobby so please take that into consideration. CANARY BLENNY BLUE GREEN REEF CHROMIS FAIRY WRASSE FLAME ANGEL ORANGE...
  12. mayo

    Canary Blenny

    Canary Blenny. pretty yellow little whippersnapper. I am thinking of keeping one in my 29 gal reef tank, with a couple of percs. Are they a good hardy fish ? tough to feed, agressive ? anything I should know before making my decision. Anyone got one ?
  13. mayo

    Ordering Fish Online ?

    Because this site is in-operable at the moment, where else can i get fish. anyone ordered fish from this live aquaria site ? I'm not trying to advertise for other sites, but could anyone help without getting themselves in trouble ? live aquaria dot com seems to be pretty good I DID NOT POST A...
  14. mayo

    4 new coral pics........

    ryebread. . .are you the master of this salt water aquarium world ? would you mind talking to me a while. . .i just got into the hobby, and you seem like the GURU. could we talk on IM or messenger or email, or we could just post here i guess. . . . don't want to clutter up the board with my...
  15. mayo

    Yellow Tang . . . ANIMAL CRUELTY ?

    What do you think would be a cool, bright, nice addition to a pair of percs in my little 29 gallon tank ?
  16. mayo

    Yellow Tang . . . ANIMAL CRUELTY ?

    Would you consider it to be animal cruelty to have one yellow tang in a 29 gal aquarium ? he would share the tank with 2 percs if so, can regal tangs be happy with less swimming room ?
  17. mayo

    Opinion On Backgrounds

    how do you folks feel about the backgrounds for tanks. Ya know those plastic films, with blue or coral pictures. for or against and why ?