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  1. tommyfish

    Lowering hardness?

    I'm sorry yes I am referring to dKh. I am using aquarium pharmaceuticals brand. I have been using tap water until recently when I got my ro/di unit installed. The city water is at 28dKh. Thanks
  2. tommyfish


    Hello Kip where is the euro for 175 at. I am going to buy a new skimmer for my 75 and I have been looking at the euro reef. Thanks
  3. tommyfish

    Lowering hardness?

    I know that water changes are the best, but is there anyway to help lower the hardness a little faster. I my 220 is VERY high, a water changes are taking a long time. Just thought I would ask. Thanks for any help.
  4. tommyfish

    Help with my coral?

    Thanks for that picture. That does look like what I have.
  5. tommyfish

    Help with my coral?

    Here is a pic. if this will help anyone.:notsure:
  6. tommyfish

    black edge moray for sale

    If ti not to late, I am interested in the eels. I am in central illinois. e-mail me at
  7. tommyfish

    Please Help

    Hello anyone. Hey Kip, bigmac or anyone do you have any of these or know of anyone having these in their tanks? I am a newbie to the SW. I have had my tanks for about a year now and going to set up my first reef only. thanks
  8. tommyfish

    Please Help

    This orange blob thing was a hitchhiker on a mushroom rock a few months back, and now it looks like it's coming to life. It has antennas and is moving from the bottom to the top. Please can anyone tell me what it is? When we first noticed it we thought it might be a sponge. All input is...
  9. tommyfish

    Niger Fangs

    No they don't bother any of the fish, except the few feeders I throw in once in awhile. they haven't bothered the emeralds either. I do put some red fiddler crabs in once in awhile to keep their teeth worn down. Thanks for the comments.
  10. tommyfish

    Help with my coral?

    Here is a pic. Sorry I forgot to ask what type this is?
  11. tommyfish

    Niger Fangs

    How about another?
  12. tommyfish

    Niger Fangs

    Here is the little one swimming with his buds.
  13. tommyfish

    Niger Fangs

    try this again
  14. tommyfish

    Niger Fangs

    Here is one of mine. I hope this works.
  15. tommyfish

    White fibers all over glass??

    I am not for sure, but it sounds like they might be (Q TIP) sponges. I have some on my tank not that many though. They are not harmful if that is what they are. Sponges are good.
  16. tommyfish

    Tang compatibility

    I have a naso and he eats extremely well. I also have a sailfin, orange shoulder, and a scopas. They all eat very well.
  17. tommyfish

    New Snowflake eel put on a show

    I have one for you. About 2 in the morning my [hr] zu(little fury dog) came in and woke me up. I started to pet her, and felt something slimy on her tail. I got up turned on the light and found my snowflake eel had a hold of her tail and wouldn't let go. I got it off threw it back in the...
  18. tommyfish

    Niger Fangs

    Yes I have pics, but don't know how to post them. Any help?:)
  19. tommyfish

    Help with my coral?

    thank you very much
  20. tommyfish

    Help with my coral?

    I have some snake leather coral, or so I told that is the name of it. What kind of lighting and water movement? Please help