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  1. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

    #7 under actinics
  2. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

    6 Can anyone ID this guy? 2.5- 3" across.
  3. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

  4. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

  5. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

  6. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

  7. blackhavoc

    My 10Gal, update

    Got some new stuff over the last few months. Got a cleaner shrimp, 4 astreas, 3 turbos, 8 small blue leg hermits, one large un-identified hermit (need help with it), purple lobster, and a scooter blenny, lobster killed the orchid dottyback :( Zoo colony up and died, after I was gone for 3 days...
  8. blackhavoc

    what filtration for a 5 gal nano " new"

    Yeah I used a dremmel to cut the hole, but a nail and a razor would work. I did get a little condensation on them, but not enough to kill them. If your worried about it, you can get a peice of saran wrap and glue it to the inside. That way its sealed, and you can take it off if a bulb burns out...
  9. blackhavoc

    dying featherduster?

    Update. Deceased, as of 20 mins of the last post. He totally came out of the tube, and died. Weird...
  10. blackhavoc

    Lighting & Filtration for 10 gal?

    Many places. I would to with the 1X96 watt 50/50 PC hood. Its fantastic, I almost got it, but came across a good deal on a 1X55, and I already had two 10 watters, so I'm at 75, and is plenty for what I'm doing. Here's a link, its the 20"...
  11. blackhavoc

    dying featherduster?

    Had a peppermint, think the lobster killed him. Now only have a skunk (scarlet) cleaner and the lobster, and about 4 hermits. Haven't seen them pick on him. I just though it was weird. I've never seen the body of a tube worm before, I'm going to snap a pic tonight and post it in the morning. Thanks.
  12. blackhavoc

    dying featherduster?

    I bought a new soft tube feather duster last week, he didn't come out for about 3 days. Not he is almost 100% out, even with the lights on. I know he is still alive, because he reacts when I touch him with something. His tube is about 6 inches long, he is about 4.5 himself. He has no crown...
  13. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    Originally posted by Reef_Magic hey havoc seems like the coral in #2 has done some growing, it looks a lot fuller snice it was in that 5gal:yes: It did all of its growing in the 5Gal. These are the first updated pics in like 2 months. But that ricordea loves the 75 watts. Waiting on the dumb...
  14. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    hmm yup seems to be a Ricordea, I thought it was a FS though. Its got two mouths, on one head, so its about to split already. its almost doubled its size in 3 days... I think it likes my tank.
  15. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    same froggie, no flash, under 03 and partial 10K
  16. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    baby froggie
  17. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    Got a baby Frog Spawn too, 10 bucks for the frag... Pics coming in about 10 mins.
  18. blackhavoc

    what filtration for a 5 gal nano " new"

    Nope these are new to the market. They work like the compact's you buy for your house. They are selfballasted, and have screw in bases. heres the ESU link. you just have to move the socket to the middle to use 2, The pic I attached show's the...
  19. blackhavoc

    what filtration for a 5 gal nano " new"

    the AC 300 would be great. You wouldnt need a powerhead though. as for lighting hit up you local ***** (shameless plug), and look for ESU's Coralife Mini Compact 50/50's there 11.99 each 10 watts each. In a 5 gal tank two would be fine. You could put them into a incandesant hood. I had them on...
  20. blackhavoc

    ph problem,nano cube

    Just buy a chunk of dead coral. That will raise it. I had this prob in my fresh tank. PH wouldnt get above 6.1 so I added about 1/4 lb of dead elkhorn coral and its nearing 7.2 now. Also baking soda works, IN SMALL QUANTITIES. It works quick so be carefull, and test it every 20 mins after you...