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  1. blackhavoc

    what is this ?

    Mine close fairly quickly, not near as fast as a tube worm, but faster than my star polyups, and WAY faster than my zoo's. I'll keep watching them. What I thought was weird is i have a peppermint shrimp, and he devoured the red aiptasia i had, but wont touch this stuff...
  2. blackhavoc

    New Cam! = Great Pics!

    Fantastic green zoo's! I have a 5.5 MP cam and it doesn't take near that quality... I'm thinking about getting one of those new Nikon ones they're like 899.... but there 8 MP...
  3. blackhavoc

    what is this ?

    I HAVE THOSE TOO! Only mine are clear. I've heard there species of aiptasia. So I'm watching it closely. Mine have taken floating sand, from the powerhead and the turbo snails that pointed it down, and formed a crust around their bodies, like a skelleton.
  4. blackhavoc

    What kind of lighting?

    OK I just picked up a 40 Breeder by AGA. Its the same dimentions as the 50 short, not the 55's that are tall. Its the 36" long one. Now my question is I'm looking to add 4 55watt CF's with one 150/175 MH in the center. Would that be too much for such a shallow tank? Or should I just can the MH...
  5. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

    Naa I like em. They seem to be opening more and more everyday now. So I think they just got pissed off with the change of lighting.
  6. blackhavoc


    ahh ok got ya. Yeah we carry some laser spot lights, but they really dont do much. They make a radial glow in the water. not really that bright. And wayy to expensive...
  7. blackhavoc


    What is this moonlight? It looks like a blacklight. I haven't seen those bulbs anywhere either.
  8. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

    ;) I couldnt think of what to name him, so I went with his Latin name Of Fridmani. No one coudl pronounce it, so it changed to Friedman. I guess what was the guys name that discovered them, cause Iv'e seen em called Friedman's Dottyback before too.
  9. blackhavoc

    decapitated peppermint shrimp

    Just a pic of "Friedman" sharing his hide with the other shrimp. He even lets him otuch him with his antennae.
  10. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

    "Friedman" & shrimp
  11. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

  12. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

    tank shots
  13. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

    left side
  14. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

  15. blackhavoc

    New Zoo's

    Ok I just picked up some red and green Zoo's 2 days ago. They came out of a big tank 50 gal+ with a 400W 20K MH about 3 feet above it, on a panning motor that moved it from left to right over the course of about 40 secconds on each pass. I now have them in my 5 gal bow front, with 20W PC 50/50...
  16. blackhavoc

    Coral ID

    Got a pic of those type of worms? If i can see it i can confirm or deny it. thanks.
  17. blackhavoc

    decapitated peppermint shrimp

    whats funny is ha has left the other one alone. I wonder if the one he killed pissed him off or something... Might of come up behind him and grabbed him. then BLAMMO OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Thanks guys.
  18. blackhavoc

    Coral ID

    sorry bang, my dad deleted it off the desktop. I'll have to get another pic tomorrow. And yes there TINY, about the size of the head of a finishing nail. It seems to be using the sand thats getting kicked up to create a "shell". Aiptasia aren't known to do that right? Gotta be some type of...
  19. blackhavoc

    Coral ID

    it looks like these, only white, and without the colony. Its driving me nuts!
  20. blackhavoc

    Coral ID

    it looks to be semi hard, the aiptasias ive seen are all flowing with the water, these dont, there stiff in the current.