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  1. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    pic #4. It looks a little sparse, but its getting more rock soon. Today I gotta go pickup 3 more hermits, and another peppermint, he comitted suicide in the powerhead. 75watts of 50/50 PC looks great in there. Much better with 7.5 watts /gal than 4.
  2. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    pic #3
  3. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    pic #2
  4. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    pic #1
  5. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    Camera's having issues... Bought a Purple Lobster today. killer little dude, flouresces with the actinic lighting. 14.39 after my 20% discount, and 10% off SW kritters sale. God I love working at *****... -=welcomes flames=- :D
  6. blackhavoc

    5 Gallon Mini Bow

    -=i filled mine up with water when it was completely empty, and it only took my 4 one gallon milk jugs=- Weird, mine took 5. Just measured it too. Strange indeed...
  7. blackhavoc

    Moving Coral

    any gel type Cyanoacrylate will work fine. Everything has to be dry though. Just make sure the corals stay moist, use an eyedropper every 3 or 4 mins on them.
  8. blackhavoc

    5 Gallon Mini Bow

    #5 star polyups extended
  9. blackhavoc

    5 Gallon Mini Bow

  10. blackhavoc

    5 Gallon Mini Bow

    #3 Hermit just walked over it. Thats why its retracted
  11. blackhavoc

    5 Gallon Mini Bow

    pic #2
  12. blackhavoc

    5 Gallon Mini Bow

    I just tore down my 5 gal minibow. It cracked. Too much stress on the acrylic I believe. I had 7lbs live sand in it, and 6.6 of live rock. And it really is a 5 gal tank, but with a reef and all the rockwork its only about 4.2. When its a freshie its a true 5 gal.
  13. blackhavoc

    New 10 gal!

    Well I finally upped my cracked 5 gal mini bow to a 10gal. I retrofit an incandescent strip light with 2 10 watt 50/50's (from my 5gal) and a 1X55 watt 50/50 PC (sticks out of either side of the hood, going to fix that later...) thats a total of 75 watts. Its MUCH brighter than the 5 gallon. I...
  14. blackhavoc

    96 watts too much for 10 gallon?

    Yeah I've noticed that Coralife's 50/50's arent a true 390-420nm. They are somewhere between 430 and 520nm. The mini 50/50's I have in my hood now are supposed to be 420nm and 10k, its more like 8700K and 480nm. It seems the knock off brand PC's have better phosphors, and are usually cheaper...
  15. blackhavoc

    96 watts too much for 10 gallon?

    I saw that price match thing. Hellolights also gives you a free surge protector, and anything for free I'm sold! Espically those, there around 12 bucks anyway. Thanks. Think I'm going to nab it on friday...
  16. blackhavoc

    96 watts too much for 10 gallon?

    No one around here carries it, they can order it but for 130... has the whole assembly, not just the retrofit for 97 + shipping. Does marine and reef have a web site?
  17. blackhavoc

    96 watts too much for 10 gallon?

    I came across a 1X96 watt quad 50/50 by coralife for 97 bucks. I'm just wondering is it going to be too much for the 10 gallon I'm setting up on friday. it would be 9.6watts pergallon, my guys are used to 4 watts per gallon. Is it going to bake them? I only have some dusters, a star polyup, and...
  18. blackhavoc

    should i presume him dead?

    He might be hiding. If he is, when he comes out, you can set him up in a hospital tank, and use Melafix. You can get it just about anywhere, along with stress coat to regrow his fins. It works within 2 weeks. When I bought my YTBD (gone now was too aggressive) he had almost no tail, started...
  19. blackhavoc

    Are these Pods?

    Looks like brine shrimp to me, but they move around alot as well. I'm sure one of hte MOD's have seen em before.
  20. blackhavoc

    What kind of lighting?

    No replies? Hmm -=bump=-