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  1. blackhavoc

    Kalk wasser

    mine eats flake and brine. he devoured the aiptasia first though.
  2. blackhavoc

    Coral ID

    no it looks to be white fingers, and a grey center, the center looks like its fuzzy/slimy.
  3. blackhavoc

    decapitated peppermint shrimp

    Woah! what is that? Looks like a dotty... Royal Garama?
  4. blackhavoc

    Coral ID

    Doubt its aiptasia, they're red. I had some aiptasia, and the peppermint shrimp took care of them in no time.
  5. blackhavoc

    Kalk wasser

    Also if you want to go the natural way, get some peppermint shrimp. I had about 5 or 6 tiny aiptasias, put them in and in a week they all were gone. They were 8 bux each at the LFS.
  6. blackhavoc

    Good cleanup crew

    Hermits do a good job of attacking the uneaten stuff on the bottom. My turbo snails also hit the sand every now and then when it grows the brown algae. And my peppermint shrimp eats what the dotty doesnt.
  7. blackhavoc

    Coral ID

    I need to find out what kind of coral this is. I didnt notice it when I setup the tank in dec. Its just popped out. I've never seen anything like it. There are 2 of them, not in a colony though, both are circled in red. They unfold simmilar to a flowerpot, however they arent FP's. They aren't in...
  8. blackhavoc

    decapitated peppermint shrimp

    This seems to be very odd. Because he is sharing a hide with my other peppermint. He seems to prefer brine shrimp over flake, or pellet. So he might of killed the other. He sure is fun to watch though. He's been excavating his hides, he grabs a mouth full of sand, takes it to the front and...
  9. blackhavoc

    decapitated peppermint shrimp sounds like the dotty was hungry=- Doubt it, he is the same size as the shrimp. -=If fact what they need is iodine to molt. What else is in the tank?=- Do Iodine doses every day, along with calcium, and stro/moly every 4 days. Only have 3 small hermits, about 1/4 the size of the...
  10. blackhavoc

    decapitated peppermint shrimp

    Ok, this is weird. Last night I added a Orchid Dottyback, I know he's not responsible for it, but I woke up to one of my peppermint's decapitated, meat still in his body. My inverts are, 3 blue leg hermits, 2 turbo snails, and were 2 peppermint's, now its just one. How could this of happened...