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  1. max22

    back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals

    also I remember when I would visit this forum years ago that you maintained a 300 gallon Rubbermaid refugium. is that still going strong and is there a thread on here showing how you set that up?
  2. max22

    back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals

    got another question how many of these same leds would you recommend for a 10 and 5 gallon respectivley. looking to keep a condi anenome in the 10 and mostly shrooms in the 5.
  3. max22

    back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals

    ok thanks for the advice I ordered a dimmer for 5$ just in case
  4. max22

    back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals

    its also pissible to cut some lights off already did to 7 of the leds. on the strip
  5. max22

    back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals

    thanks for the reply I dont currently have any corals in the tank was planning on mostly mushrooms and xenia in the future. should I still dim the lights if so to what output?
  6. max22

    back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals

    also have an aquaclear set up as a refugium that has a cheap suction cup attachment with bending lamp style blue light led fixture on it that bleeds blue into the display aswell. about 12 "1wat" leds.
  7. max22

    back after 5 years quick lighting question dont want to burn corals

    so my friends an electrical engineer and he set me up a light fixture for my 20 gallon long. Its going to have 36 1 watt luxeon leds putting out 90 lumens a watt. Am I going to be overdoing it and burning corals mostly mushrooms and xenia?
  8. max22

    Mandarin Or Scooter Blenny

    Id go with the mandarin. I got mine to eat frozen brine then mysis by mixing in the frozen food in a turkey baster with some live brine slowly lowering the amount of live brine and uping the frozen food. Its important to feed the other fish first then target feed the mandarin. Also turn of your...
  9. max22


    you could go with some gobies(small), pipefish, filter feeding crabs. I would keep claws out of the tank though scarelet hermits wont touch the horses.Sponges make cool hitching posts for the horses aswell. One thing to be careful for with seahorses is to remove the babies imeidiatley. I was...
  10. max22

    COMPLETE 75 Gallon reef (just add water) LOOK

    I live in miami and i am interested you can email me at
  11. max22

    FS 75g glass Tank / Stand in South FL

    I live locally. I am willing to pay 400 for everything including filter. my email is
  12. max22

    New Tank Question...was I dumb?

    you can keep the canister filter but you should get rid of the undergravel and add a skimmer and probably a powerhead or two. You can keep the wood in there if you really like it and it is not causing any problems.
  13. max22

    Peppermint shrimp eat cleaner shrimp???

    it depends on the size of your tank and the size of the shrimp. In a small tank 5 pepermint shrimp would destroy the cleaner as soon as it started molting.
  14. max22

    My 6 month old 100 Gallon Non-Aggressive Tank

    I am surprised nobody have mentioned this yet but if you want a reef (corals) and you want a non agressive tank you should get rid of the Niger Trigger and Damsel. I would also increase your clean up crew.
  15. max22

    recomended crab for a 29 gallon reef tank

    go with the porcelin or anenome crab. Emeralds and sally lightfoots can sometimes be terrors to a reef.
  16. max22

    Possible Fish List-please Advise!

    I would get rid of the dottyback and puffer if you really want a firefish. Also watch out for what kind of blenny you might want some have the habbit of biting fins.
  17. max22

    75 gal

    If you want fish aswell as eels go with a chainlink , snow flake, zebra or any eel with rounded teath. These eels are primarily invert eaters and usually dont bother fish of equal or greater size. You might be able to fit two in a 75 gallon (except zebra) but in my opinion that would make a...
  18. max22

    FS : 90 gallon set up

    i wish you lived in miami i would have bought that in a second.
  19. max22

    For Sale: 125 Gallon Set-up

    Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr Im his step brother so TRUST me $1500 is nothing. Just the liverock is worth it. It really is a bargain scoop it while you can I will give you 500 for everything
  20. max22

    Need help with buble mushroom
