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  1. ace007

    yellow tang question

    I have a yellow tang in a 90 gallon, she was one of the first fish that I added to my tank. I have had no problems with aggression. She is and will be one of my biggest fish and I have about 150 pounds of live rock with plenty of caves and hiding places. She is a great addition to my tank.
  2. ace007


    If a Niger will fit in a 75 gallon that would be the trigger I would recommend-cool and friendly fish.
  3. ace007

    Potters Angel

    If it is also called a dwarf pygmy angel and is purple and orange then I have one. Very cute and active fish. Likes lots of live rock, is always grazing. Will go after my clowns and blenny but doesn't show too much aggression. I have had this one for a couple of months and I think that it...
  4. ace007

    stocking question

    can I put a snowflake eel and dwarf loin in a 58 gallon?
  5. ace007

    Suggestions on fish for an aggressive 55gal

    I have a niger trigger--most beautiful fish I have. He swims through the water like a bat. he is about 4 inches so he is small but I haven't seen him being aggressive yet. In fact my blenny who is smaller will chase the trigger away from his area of rocks. I have a lot of rocks in my tank...
  6. ace007

    live and/rock question

    How many pounds of live sand and rock would I have to add to a 125 gallon? Would like to keep more puffers/triggers and an eel. Also, what other equipment would be recommended besides a protein skimmer,heater, and UV sterilizer? I have a 90 gallon with live rock and a tidepool wet/dry filter...
  7. ace007

    whats a good medicine

    I swear by garlic extreme, focus and metronidazole plus a good UV sterilizer! Worked for me! Good luck
  8. ace007

    Hyposalinity make ich worse, fish is now bloated

    Try getting a UV sterilizer. Ick is in your tank so you need to treat your tank. I used garlic extreme, metronidazole and focus. I found out that my sterilizer did not have enough flow so I got a more powerful power head on and have not had a problem since. I medicated for probably 10 days...
  9. ace007

    clown question

    I would definitely have a UV sterilizer! I would treat Ick with garlic extreme, metronidazole, and focus. make sure that your UV sterilizer has the correct flow. I found out that mine was too slow. The above medications took care of the ick in a few days and I put a new power head on my...
  10. ace007

    adding more fish

    How about an Atlantic pygmy angel? Are they blue? Easy to maintain? And is my tank mature enough? it is about 5 months old. I am worried about my yellow tang. i had a blue face angel but lost it-I never saw the tang harrass it but she is queen of the tank. I have lots of live rock with...
  11. ace007

    adding more fish

    I have a 90 gallon with 150 pounds of live rock. i have a protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, sump. My tank is 5 months old. I currently have a yellow tang, niger trigger, blenny, 2 false clowns, and a valentini puffer. i would like to add another fish or two. Could I add a porcupine puffer or...