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  1. ddress007

    sand question

    Get a power head, i like one on each side. Water flow in crucial in a battle against algae as well as overall growth in the tank.
  2. ddress007

    switching to sand and RO water

    Depending on the water temp in the buckets you are going to get some die off. Yes, you are going to start a new cycle, the extent depends. If you leave a little of the old stuff on the bottom and then adding the sand will help.
  3. ddress007

    Orange tail Damsel; keep?

    The other thing to mention is he is full grown and had once bit my finger(maybe thought it was food). The other fish are juvi's. He swims like a bullet and know I could never get him out once the coral and other fish are placed. Should I fear?Thanks for the replies. Just to note: This guy went...
  4. ddress007

    Orange tail Damsel; keep?

    Anyone think I should keep an Orange tail damsel in a 55G with: coral shrimp royal gamma sixline wrasse 2 occy clowns I had this damsel from another tank and used it to cycle a new tank. The question is, should I get rid of him? I would like to maintain a peaceful aquarium. Anyone have...
  5. ddress007

    What would you do?

    ***) Loving the feedback.
  6. ddress007

    ID Please(pic)

    Did they introduce through the fish(i dont see how), becuase I have never had them until after the addition of my new fish.
  7. ddress007

    ID Please(pic)

    By the way, the middle of pic is the water cyclone and the lower left as well as the right walls are the organisms I'm talking about.
  8. ddress007

    ID Please(pic)

    Something is growing in my skimmer on the walls. They look like a spider egg(the fuzzy texture) with either tentacles or a duster look coming out the tops. A few days ago I had 2. Now I have like 10. Never seen any before; only after the addition of a sixline wrasse and royal gamma. Thanks
  9. ddress007

    odyssea jebo lights???

    I have these as well, and really like the them. The fans are no count though.
  10. ddress007


    Got a Jebo 265w w/moon. Works and looks good for my 55G. However the fans are not any count. With your aquascape you can place the coral higher to the top for accomidating certain coral. Overall, PC working fine for me.
  11. ddress007

    how do i

    Get some super glue gel from the dollar store. Dry a spot on a piece of Rock the pat dry the bottom of the polyp, hold for a minute. Your done. Don't place in sand because it shifts. Or try the cup method, see fragging corals.
  12. ddress007

    Ever left mild ich alone?

    Originally Posted by Mr_Bill ... My Royal Gramma even had the ICH and would knock it off himself every morning on the back side of the tank... Same here; not really sure how the ich doesn't spread, come and go, and not be detrimental.
  13. ddress007

    Ever left mild ich alone?

    Thanks for yout time.
  14. ddress007

    Ever left mild ich alone?

    The thing is...he won't eat the food soaked in garlic, just the regular. However, the wrasse loves it. I have been adding directly with water change(dont know if it helps). Using kent brand.
  15. ddress007

    Ever left mild ich alone?

    He was eating alot more than the wrasse now it's the opposite. I see the gamma open-up his mouth at the wrasse but the wrasse acts clueless.
  16. ddress007

    Ever left mild ich alone?

    Thanks for the reply. I think my six line is bossing him around. Today no signs of spots. Coming and going; is there some other type of reaction from fish stress that looks like ich? I'll check again when I get home.
  17. ddress007

    how to seed lace rock?

    its just depends on how many fish you are trying to add. With a 100g of water and 50lbs of lr you should be able to house a few fish until the rest is seeded, especially if you have live sand. i would wait until the whole thing is seeded and stable before adding your whole wish list for the sake...
  18. ddress007

    What would you do?

    I have made up my mind but would like to know how other people work. Offered 6 figures to move 4 hours away from home. The loss: T-ball, basketball, school plays etc... with 6yr old son(except weekends). "Time is money" right, well not time lost. It's hard to turn down such a great opportunity...
  19. ddress007

    Ever left mild ich alone?

    Ever heard of such a sublte case? When I had it before the fish where down on the bottom within 2 days after the fist visible spot. This is day 4 with a spot or two coming and going. I guess I will have to qt because of the coral; cleaner wont touch him yet. Oh well.. much fun... %-#$&-# parasites
  20. ddress007

    cleaner shrimp not cleaning

    Mine cleaner has a similar reaction but looks like he is whipping the fish away; not sure if he is trying to clean or just want them out of the way. he spends most of the time starring at he water coming into the tank. i think he used to being fed. I have only had him about 4 days though. My...