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  1. jden092901

    Which pump should I get???

    I have a 120 gallon reef im setting up... its in my basement into the wall. Its drilled, 1" drain with 3/4 return. I was thinking a mag drive 12, what pump should I get? Also, is it best to have it in the sump or out? Thanks, Josh
  2. jden092901

    Which pump should I get???

    What size would I need? Would it be best inside or out of the sump? Thank you again
  3. jden092901

    Which pump should I get???

    I had the tank drilled with custom overflows installed. Im new to drilled tanks so I dont know much about it. One hole is about one and a half inches, the other is one inch.
  4. jden092901

    Which pump should I get???

    I'll be setting up my 120 in about a month or so and I need a return pump. The tank is in the wall, downstairs. It's drilled and I will have one sea swirl. My sump is a 40 gallon. The pump will need to pump about 6ft high. I dont know how much flow I need. I will buy to koralia powerheads...
  5. jden092901

    How should I clean my tank

    I have a 120 that I bought (used). I just had it drilled with custom overflows installed. The tank is in really good shape and clean. However, I want the glass looking as close to new as I can. Is there something I can do to clean it up? I know vinegar will help, but is there a way to use...
  6. jden092901

    freckled hawkfish???

    I just got one of these and was told by a few people they are reef safe with caution, with shrimp. I have had a flame hawkfish before and he never bothered anything. Will this fish be ok with my neon gobies and cleaner shrimp?
  7. jden092901

    Will these tangs go together ok?

    its a 120...I will prob only get 2. I just cant decide what ones I want
  8. jden092901

    Will these tangs go together ok?

    Im setting up my new tank soon and looking into fish. I was wondering which of these 3 tangs would be best together. Blue hippo, Cheveron tang, White Cheeck Tang, Desjardini Sailfin? Thanks, Josh
  9. jden092901

    reef safe?

    That would really stink! It seems like everything is impossible to keep. lol Josh
  10. jden092901

    reef safe?

    I think longhorn boxfish are really cool, can you keep them in a reef? Josh
  11. jden092901

    What do ya think?

    I'm setting up my 120 gallon tank in about a month and looking into fish that I would like to keep. I really want a school of fish, and thought anthias would be a good choice. Could I get the pink square anthias (male's) and bicolor anthias, and how many could I keep? I LOVE the pink...
  12. jden092901

    I need your help...

    I have a 29 gallon reef and upgrading to a 120 in a few months. I have the tank now (just need to get it drilled and overflows put in). I need a pump and dont know what kind or size to get. Are external pumps better or does it really matter? I just dont know what kind and size I need. I...
  13. jden092901

    Copperband butterfly??

    Ok..sounds good...and when I get a tang or something like that it wont be for a year or so, until I feel my tank is ready. How about a red sailfin tang or orange shoulder tang? I love those both! Thanks, josh
  14. jden092901

    Copperband butterfly??

    Im setting up my 120 in the next few months and getting some ideas on fish stock. I really like the copperband butterfly and have read that its reef safe, eating aptsia (spelling?) I read it on GARF and hear from many people that they are. What do you think? I just want to be sure, and I...
  15. jden092901

    What snails should I get?

    That's kinda what I, the other question. I have read and been told not to get hermit crabs. I like them, I think there fun to watch, more then snails anyhow...I was told they will eat your snails. Should I avoid hermit crabs? Just getting snails or just hermit crabs? Sorry...
  16. jden092901

    What snails should I get?

    I have a 30 gallon reef...I have some algae growing, cant tell if its hair or bryopsis...I only have like 2 snails and need more. Would you get Certh, Nerite, or margarita snails? I was told Certh and nerite are good...also that margarita eat really well too. I cant make up my mind. Also, im...
  17. jden092901

    Blue hippo tang

    good point...thanks for your help! I have already started to get the tank ready to set up. I thought while the tank is cycling...i could put the tang in the 30 for a hospital tank until im ready for the switch. Thanks guys Josh
  18. jden092901

    Blue hippo tang

    I would like to get a blue hippo tang. I have a 120, which is not set up yet. I will be setting it up in a few months (this winter). Currently I have a 30 gallon reef. I found a very small blue hippo tang for sale (14.00) and its small, about 1.5 inchs. Wouldnt this be ok in my 30 for a few...
  19. jden092901

    Help with my ricordia...

    I have 2 ricordia that I want to cut, and make a "garden" of ricordia. I love the has 2 months and the other only one. there both attatched to a would I cut them (if I can) to make more? Josh
  20. jden092901

    PLEASE HELP ME WITH IDEAS...Going out of town

    Hey everyone, My wife and I are going out of town the 29th for a medical procedure, for about 9 days. My bro-in-law has a tank, and said he would stop by and check it everynight. However, I would feel better if I had some type of water top off system, a simple one. I only have a 30 gallon...