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  1. jden092901

    what kind should I get?

    I have a 10 gallon tank, current lighting is normal fluorescents with a 50/50 atanic bulb. It does ok for now (no fish yet, still cycling), but I eventually want to get into a reef tank. Im only doing a FOWLR for now. What kind of lighting would be best, so I can do reefs. Josh
  2. jden092901

    here are some of my freshwater pics...

    Get a photo photobucket, its free. You just upload your pictures there...on this site. click the button that has a picture with a mountain in it (yellow background picture) copy the picture and paste it in the box.. If you need more help, just message me.
  3. jden092901

    are these worms or what?

    no its hard to get a pic of that...its the top of the dead frog spawn, go down to the left, still at the top..u can see the string thing pointing up in the air.
  4. jden092901

    here are some of my freshwater pics...

    Here are a few of my freshwater pics...
  5. jden092901

    are these worms or what?

    My 10 gall is still in the cycle. I had a good friend give me some sand and live rock, and bought live rock that same day. I see these worms on the rock. I got a pic, but its not the best. It's hard to get a good pic of these things. They stretch out far and sometimes there short. They are...
  6. jden092901

    little question

    Hey man, thanks a lot. I have about 8 pounds of live rock. I'll just keep watching it. Do you think I should get a powerhead in there? With that large filter it moves water pretty good. I have tried a few powerheads and they make a huge storm in the tank, mixes the sand and everything up...
  7. jden092901

    little question

    ok....ill check that out.
  8. jden092901

    little question

    Ya, I dont have anything in the thank, other then live rock and sand. Thats it...When my tank is ready, I will get some RO mixed up to the right salinity a day before, do a water change after new mix water has been mixed for 24 hours and then get my fish. I'll go to pets mart for the...
  9. jden092901

    little question

    Ok, my 10 gallon tank is in the cycle...Just tested it last night and has a little ways to go. Is anyone familiar with Whisper filters? I have a filter rated for 20-40 gallons on my ten and works very well. My question is do you think I should change the filter media and carbon? Or should it...
  10. jden092901

    what would be fun?

    What are some pretty fish for a 10 gallon tank...i love the clown of course..but what else would be fun?
  11. jden092901

    I guess this is normal?

    Im not sure about that...I go to walmart and get it...They have the machine where you can get water filled up in gallon jugs or the 5 gallon jugs. Just make sure and read it that it is RO water. The one I get it is reg tap water, then has a carbon run, then through a RO system and UV. Your...
  12. jden092901

    I guess this is normal?

    From what I have read, and in my oppionion, yes. I have read that some use normal tap water, but I wouldnt. You can go get RO water at a store, or even better by a RO maker. I have seen them anywhere from 70.00 and up. You may beable to find a used one...thats what im looking for.
  13. jden092901

    I guess this is normal?

    if im doing just a top off..i dont need to have salt in the ro water...just plan ro water, correct?
  14. jden092901

    I guess this is normal?

    Im still in the cycle with my tank, its almost there...I think it will be done by sunday. Anyway, when I do a top off with RO water, when the water falls into the saltwater it makes an effect as it is oil in the water. Is that just because the mix of salt and RO water mixing when they have...
  15. jden092901

    2 things

    1- My tank is getting close with the cycle...I just noticed some light green algae, is that ok? 2- When I do water changes every week (when I have fish) is it ok if I change 30-50% on my 10 gallon? Would that help with my water quality or harm it? Thank you, Josh
  16. jden092901

    Are there any? what I needed to know. :)
  17. jden092901

    Are there any?

    Are there any colorfull starfish that would work in a 10 gallon FOWLR? If so, awesome, if not..o well.
  18. jden092901

    clown help

    ok...sounds good. Im not in a hurry..just asking. I want this to be done right, so I wait.
  19. jden092901

    purple algea, cant remember the name...

    tell me more...what kind of setup are you talking about?? Got me thinking now....
  20. jden092901

    purple algea, cant remember the name...

    my lighting is just simiple lighting...I want to get something better. Not sure what to look for. I have a 50/50 flor bulb in there now. Where should I look and what sizes? Its only a 10 gallon.