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  1. jden092901

    k..What is this crab I got, thought it was a porcelain but doesnt look like it?

    why would the claw fall off? Just want to make sure im not hurting him. Thanks again
  2. jden092901

    k..What is this crab I got, thought it was a porcelain but doesnt look like it?

    that thing in front of him does fan all the time...what is that? (APRON) How would she be holding eggs...and if so, what are the chances of her eggs hatching? Josh
  3. jden092901

    k..What is this crab I got, thought it was a porcelain but doesnt look like it?

    K...I just woke up and noticed he is missing a claw...Is that normal, or is he just not healthy? (My camera is a Sony DSC-H1. You can get diff attatchment lenses. It has a 12 zoom, and takes really nice close up pictures. Its not a Nikon, but works well for me). Josh
  4. jden092901

    k..What is this crab I got, thought it was a porcelain but doesnt look like it?

    Can you tell me what kind of crab I got? I thought it was a porcelain, but not sure now. I need to know what kind it is so I can feed it the correct way. Thanks so much, Josh
  5. jden092901

    Feather Duster.......

    I dont have any shrimp...I think i'll just give it time. If he is dead, could this hurt my water quality?
  6. jden092901

    Feather Duster.......

    I got 2 feather dusters, one big one and one small...The small one came out for a while, now he is not coming out at all..How do I tell its still alive? The big one is out like mad... Josh
  7. jden092901

    Can I just put it in a bucket with saltwater?

    How long do i leave it in the bucket for?
  8. jden092901

    Can I just put it in a bucket with saltwater?

    I would like to get more live rock. If I do, what should I do to it so its safe to put in my tank? Can I just put it in a 5 gallon bucket with saltwater, powerhead? What should I do?
  9. jden092901

    what should I do...Nitrite went up a little

    I checked my water this morning...and there back to 0. When they were high, i think its cause i tested when I had feed my star...that may have had something to do with it..not I also put in a new filter pad and carbon.
  10. jden092901

    what should I do...Nitrite went up a little

    My Nitrites have been 0, tested the water today and there almost 0.25. Should I do a water change or is there something I can get to help with that? Ph was 8.3, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0.25 and Nitrate was about 5. What should I do, or should I be ok?
  11. jden092901

    whats the best way to help it grow? (coraline)

    Is there anything special I can do for my 10 gall to help the growth of coraline?
  12. jden092901

    i know this is stupid, but.....

    K, I know this sounds really stupid, but I wanna get a fake anemone to see if my clowns would host it. I know a few people that said it worked..and is fun to see if they host it. I have a FOWLR tank..and dont wanna get any $$$ anemone yet. (dont have the light YET). Does anyone know where I...
  13. jden092901

    few questions...

    o sorry...i missed that man..i feel dumb.. thanks
  14. jden092901

    chocolate chip

    is it ok one of his legs is on my heater? I was told they will get burnt...doesnt make sence to me..but ya never know i guess
  15. jden092901

    chocolate chip

    I have a FOWLR tank..and got a cute little chocolate chip star. I love this little guy. My question is do they sometimes not move around much...its hard to tell how there doing. the fish kinda tell you by there swimming, breathing and do you tell if the star is feeling good? He is...
  16. jden092901

    few questions...

  17. jden092901

    few questions...

    One: I want to help the growth of coraline algae and was told to put calcium in the tank, will this really help? Two: My chocolate chip star, what is there normal behavior like? He was crusing along my glass and now he is in this hole in my rocks...just sitting there, its been a while. When...
  18. jden092901

    chocolate chip star feeding....

    mine is always on the that norm..i read that it is. he goes all over top of glass...i put some frozen silver fish on him...he is on glass sucking it, as it seems
  19. jden092901

    chocolate chip star feeding....

    Hey, I have the chocolate chip reef..a FOWLR tank. how often should i feed this little guy...i love it its so active.
  20. jden092901

    chocolate chip star

    I have a FOWLR tank..i just got one.....he is in the process acclimation as we speak....