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  1. jden092901

    mandarin goby..

    Are these really hard to keep? I have 30 gallon tank with lots of rock, its a new tank so i would wait...but can I keep them in a 30?
  2. jden092901

    I cant remember the name...

    I found a Goby that I like and cant find it now. It was like a Red spotted goby, or orange spotted. Its body was more of a white color and little red or orange dots on his face, head, and part of his body..what would this be? He is so cute. Josh
  3. jden092901

    These lights are good, right?

    There blue!!! I love how they make the water shimmer...I just wish it would the part i just love.
  4. jden092901

    These lights are good, right?

    I got a Hamilton 150w 20K HQI ReefStar metal halide Pendant System. There really bright for my 29 gallon. It really lights up the room and water just shimmers like the ocean. Does anyone know anything about these lights, they should be bright enogh to keep just about anything that I want.
  5. jden092901

    Which one would you pick?

    COOL. thanks for all of your help!
  6. jden092901

    I was told...

    I think ill get another clown (same kind) and a royal gramma. There way pretty little guys. Thanks for all of your help! Josh
  7. jden092901

    I was told...

    So, I have a 10 gallon I could use for my qt tank. I have had it up and running...clown is in there now, switching to my 30...Do I need sand or anything special in the qt tank? When im not using it for QT, could it be my "holding" tank for my water changes? That way I could just take it out...
  8. jden092901

    Which one would you pick?

    I have a 30 gallon tank with one clown in it now. I will be getting another clown fish and something else in the future. Which of these would be the best or are they all the same, matter of opinion?? 1-Royal Gramma Basslet (I love this one) 2-Royal Dottyback 3-Catalina Goby (bluebanded goby)...
  9. jden092901

    I was told...

    how do you do that?
  10. jden092901

    I was told...

    royal grammas are so pretty...are they ok with clowns? And, would a maroon clown be ok with a per clown?
  11. jden092901

    I was told...

    great help...thanks so much. SOLD on that now. What fish would be good for a 30? 2 clowns and a firefish? or what else?
  12. jden092901

    I was told...

    O I can wait, my wife was just really wanting one. Thats why im here asking. It would be kinda cool, but whatever is best is what I will do. Josh.. Thank you :)
  13. jden092901

    I was told...

    I was told that I could have a blue tang in my 29, IF it was small, like 1/2 inch to 1 inch long. It would only be in the 29 gallon tank for a year. Next year were building our home and putting a large tank in the wall. I have one clown right now, and thought about getting another and one very...
  14. jden092901

    How many in a 30

    Im going to set up my 30 gallon, when its finished cycling im going to move my stuff from the 10 to the 30. How many fish can I have in a 30 gallon? I want to have 2 clowns and a firefish..or 1 clown, 1 firefish and a blennie or something. Is that too much?
  15. jden092901

    question about Nitrates

    thank you everyone.
  16. jden092901

    question about Nitrates

    O, my substrate im using is live poo. Lol..Jk. Im using live sand for my substrate.
  17. jden092901

    question about Nitrates

    My nitrates have been staying around 20. Everything looks good, fish ok, i only have xena, a leather, and a feather duster with some crabs, snails,and cleaner shrimp. How can I lower my there something I can buy? I have been doing water changes, get a new filter and carbon every...
  18. jden092901


    thanks man!
  19. jden092901


    I have a 10 gallon tank, and I will be getting some Helios day/night ballast. There pretty bright buggers. I was wondering what kind of coral would work for "less" light. I know my xzena has done really good with normal lighting, mushroom, toad stool, ect. what else would work that is pretty?
  20. jden092901

    choc they

    Do stars make your water quality a little on the bad side? Do they affect nitrate or nitrite